To promote and teach the Olympic sport of fencing to students of all ages and skill levels and provide a friendly venue for members to practice their sport. The Illinois Fencers Club is a member operated non-for-profit sports association that has been serving beginning, recreational, and competitive fencers for more than 40 years. It has grown from a place where senior fencers would practice and have a good time to a full service club with a youth program, adult classes, and free fencing for all our members.
Today is the international women's day. Wishing all women a fabulous day!
Posted @withregram • @imanblowusa Black History: Olympic Legacies (Series Closer) For our series closure, we are going to learn about the Olympic Legacies of Laura Flessel and Peter Westbrook.
And, NACs are here.https:// www.usafencing.o rg/ news_article/ show/1150925
What a fantastic surprise!!! Misha Heber, David Lender, Maciek Zmyslowski and Jakub Nowak came to check on our younger fencers today. Great having you home guys!
USA Fencing is offering a webinar on NCAA DIV III Fencing at 7pm on March 8th.https:// www.usafencing.o rg/ news_article/ show/1148137