Water heaters normally collect small quantities of scale and dirty water. Once you have drained the heater, you should refill and drain again. The rushing water which refills the tank will dislodge any particles clinging to the side of the tank and then you can flush them out. Be sure to turn off the gas and/or electricity before draining your water heater. All water heaters, whether gas or electric, have a thermostat to control water temperature. The dial should be set at 130 degrees for an electric heater and on NORMAL for a gas heater.
Physically, human beings are poorly adapted to deal with extremes of temperature. Fortunately "comfortable" is what One Call Service Company is all about. As dealers for most major brands of quality heating and cooling products, One Call Service Company offers dependable services for heating and cooling systems. They specialize in installing new systems as well as add-ons change-outs, humidity and filtration systems, duct work, zoned systems, and the repair and maintenance on all makes of heating and air conditioning systems.
The average life expectancy of a heating system is now 7-9 years. Unfortunately, this is due mainly to lack of maintenance. A regularly scheduled maintenance program can increase the life expectancy of your equipment by many years. When your unit is cooling and de-humidifying properly with clean filters, your home will have less dust, dirt, pollen, and mildew problems. Your family will be more comfortable, and will be living in a healthier environment. An OCSC Preventive Maintenance Agreement is a maintenance program designed to maintain your heating and air conditioning equipment in top operating condition.