We are your best pest control provider in Los Angeles, CA and manage any pest control in the local counties! Bothersome pests can disrupt your peace of mind, destroy your property and are often responsible for bringing property values down. Whether you're seeking flea control, rodent control or just need to rid your home of annoying ants or meddling mice, Guarantee Pest Control, Inc. can rid the pests that are in your environment. We're also your best choice for a bed bug exterminator! We have been offering pest and rodent control in Glendale, Greater Los Angeles, Downtown L.A., San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Carson, Long Beach, Torrance, Lakewood, Norwalk, Hawthorne and Orange County since 1958 providing professional pest control services for homes, residential properties, commercial buildings, restaurants, industrial locations and warehouses.

Tony was born in 1934 and was raised in San Francisco. He received a full scholarship to U.S.C. in basketball, where his team reached the Final Four. He turned down offers to play professionally and in a few years after college he joined up with Guarantee Pest Control. He was very active in the community being a member of the Masons, AHepa, Squires and Salvation Army, and he was very active with U.S.C. football and basketball. He was a great manager for over 50 years! His charisma and bigger-than-life personality is greatly missed.

Bedbugs can live for up to a year with a steady supply of human blood for food. This is the only pest of its kind that has adapted to living with humans by feeding on their blood. They also feed on other warm-blooded creatures like wild animals and even your pets. These are small parasites that measure about 3.16 inches long, are flat and have a reddish color to them. The most aggravating and gross fact is that they feed at night and go mostly unnoticed. Studies have shown that bed bugs had been linked with insomnia, anemia, and even psychological and emotional problems.

Since 1958, we have professionally and proudly served Greater Los Angeles, Downtown, Glendale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley and Orange County. Our goal is to keep your home and business pest free. We take care of all your infestation and insect extermination needs to provide a chemically safe, pest-free environment for everyone. We will send those pests a packin'! Specializing in home, commercial and industrial pest control, we work with many industries including markets, restaurants, apartments, condos and homes, businesses, warehouses, and more.

If you are new to owning a pet, you might be surprised at how many different things you have to keep on top of. Vaccination, medical examinations, heartworm medication, intestinal worms, dog food. Flea treatment is very simple. Use good quality flea control product (such as Frontline Plus) on your pet every month until you have a flea infestation, and probably will never have the problem of fleas. Also, flea treatment can be quite difficult. Using poor quality flea control product (or nothing) and allow big flea infestation to accumulate in your pet (and at home).

We now have an effective botanical insecticide!. We are pleased to offer this to our customers, effective commercial pest control solutions that are organic and environmentally friendly to be used in your warehouses, offices and showroom floors.

There are many different types of wasps that may be pestering you and your family. Although different types can usually be identified as social and solitary wasps, the main types of concerns are stinging and nest-building yellow jackets and hornets. Although wasps can actually provide some advantages in that they kill many kinds of insects that feed on beneficial plants, because of their aggressive behavior in defending their nests; you may need to consult a professional pest control service to manage them.

What's new?

Guarantee Pest Control Los Angeles is now tweeting! And come check out our newly redesigned website at http://t.co/UDVRmJEP.

Posted on Mar 27, 2012  •  Twitter

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