Our every day mission, is dedicated to Pest Control Services in the Southern California Area. Ants, Bedbugs, Roaches and other Nuisance Insects as well as Burrowing Pests like Gophers, Moles, and Squirrels, are pests that require professional experience in order to rid the infestations from your home or property. Antex Exterminating has that experience. We have been solving Pest Problems problems since 2000. When you call us for Pest Control Services, you are calling on fully Licensed professionals who truly care about the health and safety of your family and Pets and will rid your home of unwanted pests.
We are Licensed by the Structural Pest Control Board And Department of Pesticide Regulations.
Antex Exterminating has been servicing the Riverside and Inland Empire Area since 2007. Antex is dedicated to the health and maintenance of your trees and landscape pest control. Our Services for the treatment of nuisance pest, fungus, and disease problems have changed as the industry has grown and taken advantage of the newest and most environmentally friendly technologies. Our technicians are all licensed by the DPR, and are required annual training in order to provide the most up-to-date service to maintain your trees, shrubs, and landscape.
Ants are a very tricky pest control problem. Most general pest control products will list ants on their label, but that does not mean they are effective against ants. Just because a product will kill an ant does not mean it will control an ant infestation. In fact, some products may make your problem worse, due to the pesticide's formulation ants can detect the product and avoid it. So over the counter Ant Control sprays can cause the ant colony to feel threatened Once threatened they can bud out and make more colonies!