Signature Service termite control combines a termite warranty on your home with a termite monitoring system designed just for you. In addition to an annual termite inspection of the interior of your home, we provide six additional inspections of the exterior of your home and the added bonus of our own termite monitoring system. This system allows us to detect termite activity on your property before they get inside of your home. When we detect activity, we make a precise application to stop termites dead in their tracks.
Termites thrive in Southeastern Arizona, especially in Tucson and Pima County. Because we have been providing termite control in Tucson since 1974, we are well versed in how to treat termites right the first time. We understand that the unique microclimates in and around Tucson create opportunities for both Subterranean and Drywood termite species. This means the company you deal with needs to have the experience to tell the difference between the two. Subterranean Termites require a treatment to the soil around your home and to affected areas inside the house.
Struggling with pests or looking to prevent them? Our Signature Service Solutions eliminate ants, spiders, roaches, and other common pests inside your home and keep them gone for good. Our service is 100% guaranteed *, so don't you think it's time you took back control of your home? If you're worried about termites damaging your home, we have the answer. Our services detect, eliminate, and prevent termites so they don't stand a chance of interrupting your life. We'll protect your home and family with our guaranteed*, environmentally responsible services.
At University Termite & Pest Control, Inc. we understand that bees, anywhere on your property are a major nuisance. Not only are they dangerous, but they force you to completely change the way you use your property. Let University help you take back control. Our trained technicians know how to eliminate these problematic pests and give you back the use of your home and yard. Whether they are in a tree, a valve box or the eave of your house, we have the correct strategy to eliminate them now, giving you back your home.
Schools and School Districts present a wonderful opportunity for University to display what it does best. Schools are the place where our youngest and brightest spend the majority of their days. This is not an atmosphere where the indiscriminate application of pesticides is either desirable or practical. University Termite & Pest Control helped pioneer the Integrated Pest Management programs that most schools implement today. Integrated Pest Management stresses the use of multiple techniques to resolve and prevent pest issues.
When University Termite & Pest Control approaches clients in this arena, there is one of two hats we typically wear. The first is when we are performing services for the centers' Management Company. These services typically involve the exterior of the structure only. Most pest control companies perform a basic exterior treatment and then leave. This is just one example of where and why University Termite & Pest Control separates itself from the competition. Your treatment technician will always go the extra mile, examining the property to identify sources of potential problems and eliminating existing ones, often before tenants even report them to management!
Signature Service weed control with University Termite & Pest Control takes the hassle and time commitment out of keeping your yard weed free. We combine pre-emergent services that keep weeds from ever gaining foothold in your yard, with timely services to catch those stragglers that somehow pop up from time to time. You never need worry about weeds again. Our trained technicians know how to tell the difference between a plant and a weed. This means we target the tumbleweeds and never the tulips.
Commercial office buildings and designated government facilities can present challenges to many experienced pest management professionals. At University Termite & Pest Control, we stand prepared to handle a wide array of regulatory, bid limited and facility warranted guidelines surrounding our services. We have been serving local, state and federal facilities and capably handling their pest concerns for decades. With University, we are prepared to engage in all forms of bidding processes, be they RFQ or a traditional bid.
Signature Service pest control with University Termite & Pest Control reflects our dedication to our craft. It represents a culmination of over 40 years of experience in delivering solutions to homes throughout Tucson and all over Arizona. In that 40 years we have created Signature Service solutions to resolve issues you may be having now, but more importantly prevent outbreaks before you ever have to take time from your busy schedule to address them. Seasonal Protocols effectively predict activity in advance and keep your home pest free, year-round.
Even in desert climates, weeds plague our lives. In Arizona, winter rains and monsoons lead to a considerable amoun…
If you believe a swarm of bees is inhabiting your yard, stay as far away from it as possible and give University Te…
Regular pest control service is vital for controlling Tucson’s many pesky home invaders, from cockroaches to spider…
One of the most underrated ways to keep your home pest-free begins in your front yard. Many of the creepy-crawlies…
Four of the worst pests for Arizona homeowners are rodents, termites, bed bugs and cockroaches. Keeping your house…
Of all the possible pests that may find their way into your Arizona home, cockroaches may be the most unwelcome. Th…
We have previously looked at the many reasons why packrats (also known as woodrats) can be one of the most destruct…
You might have heard the cute saying “Don’t let the bed bugs bite” but would you be surprised to know that you are…
When you think about some of the wildlife that causes the most property damage in Arizona, you may be surprised to…
Wintertime in Arizona is coming faster than you think, and the local spiders and scorpions are known to take shelte…