If you want to protect your Denver home from pests, look no further, Budget Pest Control is one of the leading pest control companies in Colorado and has been providing reliable and organized pest solutions since 1978. With over 40 years of experience in professional and reliable pest control solutions and services, you can trust that the job will get done right the first time. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you with any pest problems you may have. No matter where you live, uninvited pests and insects can make themselves at home in your home.

Budget Pest Control has been servicing our home for over two years and I can count on one hand how many bugs we have seen. I've never had so few bugs.

Amazing! My husband and I just bought our first home in March, we thought everything was great until the weather warmed up and we discovered a massive.

What's new?

With cold weather slowly leaving the area, we are still left with the excessive moisture around the home from snow and sleet. If you have some fall leaf leftovers in your gutter, you may have a stagnant water problem on your hands and the pests that come with it. https:// pestfreedenver.c om #Colorado...

Posted on Mar 03, 2021  •  Facebook

When cockroaches and beetles invade a home, they come to stay and are extremely hard to remove. Once there, they prosper and won’t just die off or leave. Even if you are a great housekeeper, they will find plenty of food, warmth, water, and nesting sites. Contact us to eliminate these pests for...

Posted on Feb 17, 2021  •  Facebook

Rats have reached new population heights in some areas. Rats take up residence in kitchens, garbage refuse areas, roof voids, under concrete, and in sub-floors, as they prepare to invade your pantry. Contact us for #prevention solutions. https:// pestfreedenver.c om #Colorado #Denver #pestcontrol

Posted on Feb 10, 2021  •  Facebook

Earwigs. They can’t travel far, but often hitchhike on luggage, newspapers, or wood. Fresh wood for your fireplace? You may have invited some new guests. Contact us today. https:// pestfreedenver.c om #Colorado #Denver #pestcontrol #prevention #earwigs

Posted on Feb 03, 2021  •  Facebook

Do spiders make your skin crawl? We take care of those too. https:// pestfreedenver.c om/#spiders #prevention #Denver #Colorado #pestcontrol

Posted on Jan 20, 2021  •  Facebook

When a Mosquito Can’t Stop Drinking Blood, the Result Isn’t Pretty. #aedesaegypti #bloodfeedingmosquitoes… https://t.co/Uz2r7HhMGs

Posted on Mar 23, 2020  •  Twitter

If you hear buzzing in your walls or see bees congregating at what could be an access point, call Budget Pest Contr… https://t.co/gBNhO5XCp1

Posted on Mar 17, 2020  •  Twitter

Are bed bugs pestering you and taking away your precious sleep? Let us take care of them. Learn more about Bed bug… https://t.co/bmpZMW4v15

Posted on Feb 29, 2020  •  Twitter

Termites are harmful to you & your property. Budget Pest Control team is trained in managing the infestation of te… https://t.co/i1sdefjstk

Posted on Feb 28, 2020  •  Twitter

Fun fact: One bee will only make 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its entire life! https://t.co/r4SaXElZsH

Posted on Feb 26, 2020  •  Twitter

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