Every household and business is protected by professional pest management services. With that vision, the Kansas Pest Control works to ensure every Kansan benefits from our industry and association, and every Pest Management Professional prospers. The mission of the Kansas Pest Control Association, Inc. is to provide programs and services which assist its Members in achieving success in the operation of their businesses as protectors of the health, environment, and property of Kansans. To this end, we promote for rational regulations and means for progressive development and education.

The Kansas Pest Control Association is the most credible and tireless advocate for the pest management industry in Kansas, before state agencies, the Legislature, and in municipalities. We also work with our national partners to ensure the industry's voice and representation is as clear in Washington, DC. Not only do our public policy efforts support the future of our members' businesses, we also provide help to individual members who want to understand more about how public policy changes will impact their business.