Nothing beats living in a pest-free environment. When you need efficient pest control and landscaping services, turn to Altman's Family Pest Control in Lecanto, FL. We can help you get rid of unwanted guests at your home or office. We take pride in using eco-friendly products and safe pest extermination methods. Easily protect your homes and offices from pests. Don't let them put the safety of your family and your property at risk. Let the pest exterminators of Altman's Family Pest Control take care of your pest problems.
Do you want to eradicate pests at your place? Choose a trusted pest control company. For over 18 years, Altman's Family Pest Control in Lecanto, FL has been providing exceptional pest extermination and landscaping services to residential and commercial clients in Citrus, Marion, and Hernando counties and the surrounding areas. No other company can match the quality services we offer. When you see signs of pest infestation, call our highly skilled pest exterminators at Altman's Family Pest Control right away.
Get quality lawn care, pest control, lawn maintenance and termite treatments from Altman's Family Pest Control in Lecanto, FL. We are fully equipped with the necessary tools and equipment to deliver the best service possible. With our knowledge and expertise, we can help with your problems. Have your home or commercial establishment checked by a reliable pest control team on a regular basis. Take advantage of the pest control and landscaping services offered by Altman's Family Pest Control. If you have questions about our services, please do not hesitate to call (352) 527-9373.
Bees are infamous for their endurance and ability to fly long distances. Bee experts say that, to fill a single jar of honey, honey bees have to fly the equivalent of three trips around the globe.
While many roaches like warm, damp spots, the brownbanded cockroach prefers dry areas and temperatures of 80 degrees Fahrenheit or more. As a result, they re often found behind or under heat-generating appliances like TVs, radios, and refrigerators.
If you have bed bugs in your home but are afraid of using chemicals to treat them, don't worry--there are non-chemical methods available.
"Workers defend their hive with potent stingers. Though these insects do not sting humans unless provoked, some people are allergic to their venom and can have very dangerous reactions to a sting," according to National Geographic.
Are you under the impression that washing infested bedding in hot water will be enough to get rid of bed bugs and their eggs? So are a lot of people. Unfortunately, this doesn t work.