We are a family owned and operated pest control company serving Indian River and Brevard counties since 1998. We're licensed and insured with experienced and knowledgeable technicians. Some treatments we provide include: general household pests, lawn & ornamental, termites, mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas & ticks, and rodent removal & exclusions.
Sentricon is the No. 1 brand in termite protection. Developed through extensive research on termite behavior, Sentricon targets the whole termite colony. Installed and maintained by Sandpiper Pest Control as your Certified Sentricon Specialist, Sentricon stations are placed in a protective ring around the perimeter of the home. Termites eat the bait in the stations and share it with the rest of the colony, eliminating the entire colony, including the termite queen.
Did you know that termite damage is rarely covered by homeowners insurance? When you have an entire home termite treatment with Sandpiper Pest Control you will be covered for termite damage that occurs after your treatment up to $250,000. This applies to both liquid and Sentricon treatments.
Flying ants and termites can be a challenge to tell apart. One way to differentiate the two is by looking at their bodies. Ants have segmented bodies, while termites do not. Wings are another way to identify them. Ants have two large wings and two small wings. Termites wings are uniform in size.
That’s greater than hail, tornadoes, and fires combined!
Read Archie’s tips for homeowners regarding termites here:https:// www.sandpiperpes tcontrol.com/ post/ advice-from-arch ie-termite-edit ion
Today is the first day of Termite Awareness Week. We’ll be sharing facts about different varieties of termites, treatment options, and some tips for homeowners.