Smith Bros. Pest Control is Saint Augustine's choice for all of your pest control needs. With more than 39 years of experience, we are a full-service company licensed in all four pest control categories, General Household and Rodent, Lawn and Ornamental, Termite and Fumigation. Smith Bros. Pest Control is a family business and we do not subcontract any of our work. Pests cause billions of dollars in damages each year to homeowners. At Smith Bros. Pest Control, we use only the best and newest products available to ensure we treat your pest problems the right way.

We are licensed, bonded and insured. If you need the right pest control and fumigation solutions, contact your local professionals at Smith Bros. Pest Control. We offer free estimates and inspections.

Fumigation is necessary when multiple colonies of Drywood termites are infesting your home. Liquid treatments may work if you have a single very small colony in one localized area. The chances of this however are very small. When Drywood termites swarm, they are looking for places to start new colonies as part of the mating cycle. If you have had a swarm of Drywood termites in your house, there is no way to be 100% sure that you have eliminated all colonies, except with Tent Fumigation. Liquid treatments for an infested house is honestly, like putting a band aid on a broken leg.