COLUMBUS, GA. — GW Exterminating Co. has been our hometown pest services provider since 1971. Owner Glenn Willis has come a long way since his Dad Jack started the very successfulcommunity family business. GW Exterminating provides complete pest services, so all of our customers can rely on GW for whatever ever pest concern that comes up. GW Exterminating Columbus Ga. is your hometown choice and is conveniently located behind Saint Francis Hospitalat 3908 Woodruff Rd. We located our office right in the middle of the city so we can respond quicklyto your call.
COLUMBUS, GA. — Our monthly pest control service is the most popular and highly recommended for this area of America. High humidity, mild winters, and hot Summers lead to high pest pressure. At GW our technicians are loyal employees and are eager to attend training classes to keep them abreast of new products and techniques as they become available. They never pass up a chance to learn to take care of their customer's concerns. You could say they are dedicated, and it gives them satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment to help our communities stay pest free.
Formosan Termites in Columbus, Ga. The Formosan termite began to show up in the Columbus area about seven years ago. I remember all the termite companies talking about it. The large Termite Companies began to exclude Formosus from their guarantees, thus limiting their liability and leaving their customers holding the bag. Columbus, Ga. is now experiencing Formosus. GW Exterminating is a Termidor Certified Professional Termidor is the number one termiticide in the World and GW Exterminating uses Termidor for a premium termite treatment.
GW Exterminating has invited Guest Author, by Sarah Snyder-Castaeda of Lead Hub to write a wonderfully researched article about the Zika virus and how we control it. Terri Bacchetti of Dustin Pest Control specializes in pest control in Fresno, California. With all the news buzzing around about Zika, it's natural that families have questions, especially those with a baby on the way. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that Zika is primarily spread through the bite of a mosquito carrying the virus.
COLUMBUS, GA.- Wouldn't it be nice to treat once a year to get rid of common ants? I was skeptical when GW told me about their elimination process, but I've had two treatments now, that's two years without ever seeing an ant. Impossible, nope, it's true. GW definitely knows ant control. I highly recommend the service. I still find it hard to believe this treatment works as well as it does, but it does. And it was affordable to eliminate ants from our BBQ and backyard get-togethers. GW Guaranty - If I see common ants before my year is up, I receive another treatment at no charge.
COLUMBUS, GA. — Does termite damage worry you? If so, you are not alone. Every year termites cause billions of dollars in structural damage, and property owners spend over two billion dollars to treat them. This fact sheet focuses on how you, as a consumer, can identify and help protect your property from termites through effective prevention measures and appropriate use of termite treatments. GW Exterminating company offers each prescribed termite control treatment, wood destroying beetle treatment and moisture control, including crawlspace encapsulation.
Flying Ant or termite swarmer look similar yet are very different. They are as different as, horses and cows, but they are so small you have to look close to see the difference. GW Techs know the difference. Ants have a pinched waist and bent antenna, termites have a cigar shaped body and straight antenna. Ants have four wings with one set larger than the other, termites have four wings that appear to be the same size. You must know the difference between and ant or termite. It's important to know which pest you are treating.
COLUMBUS, GA. — Integrated pest management (IPM) is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties. Our pest control experience and training runs deep. Pests destroy homes, buildings and their contents; termites alone cause over $5 billion in damage annually. Homeowners spend around 2 billion dollars treating termites each year.
According to Ask the Builder, Unless you live in the Atacama Desert, the ground under and around your home contains moisture. This liquid water wants to evaporate and get back up to the atmosphere. If you could see water vapor, you'd see a constant flow of this vapor floating up into the air. When it's warm, the flow rate is faster. This water vapor, when mixed with wood, is not a good thing. If enough water vapor collects in a crawl space before getting back to the outside atmosphere, it can condense and turn to liquid water again.