Old South Exterminators is a family owned and operated business started in Ridgeland in 1968. They provide excellent and effective service. The staff is courteous and helpful. If I notice an increase in pests (dead) in the house which can happen if we have a very rainy season, I call and they come and retreat the yard within a couple of days. I have been with them for 12+ years and will continue.
We are a family owned and operated company which was established in 1968. We have grown from those humble beginnings in Ridgeland to provide outstanding personalized service to thousands of Lowcountry families and business in six counties. For more information on our exterminator services or to schedule an appointment, please contact us.
We offer a wide variety of services for the crawl space under your house including: foundation vents, moisture barriers, exclusion work, fungicide treatments, power fans, dehumidifiers, crawl space cleanouts and more. Eliminating moisture beneath the home takes away a possible breeding ground for subterranean termites. It also helps prevent buckling of wooden floors, helps prevent mold in the wood beneath the home, and helps provide cleaner air within the home. Many crawlspaces under houses are vulnerable to be attacked by wood destroying fungi due to excess moisture.
We started our Annual Pest Control Service over 40 years ago to provide our customers with an effective, affordable and convenient method of general pest control. Most nuisance pests are controlled by this once a year treatment. If you ever have a problem with seasonable pests, we can come back for another treatment at no additional cost. Our customers love the convenience of a "Once a Year Service". If you're looking for a more frequent pest service, we also offer inside and outside treatments every three months.
Old South Exterminators inspectors are licensed and trained to complete an Official South Carolina Wood Infestation report, often called a CL-100, required for home sales. It takes special training, local knowledge, and expertise to understand all of the places termite damage can be found. We work extensively and closely with local builders, closing attorneys, and real estate agents to inspect and provide these reports when requested. Whenever a home purchase or sale takes place, our trained inspectors provide buyers, sellers, realtors, and financial institutions with the reports they need to ensure a smooth, trouble-free transaction.