Talk to any financial expert and they will tell you regardless of any money you have put into stocks, bonds, etc., that in the long run, your home will return to you the most money on your investment. We at reliable feel our responsibility if any form of pest control is needed at your property is to give you the very best service possible to protect that investment.
With the years of professional experience and a highly qualified staff, we are able to handle your termite and other pest control problems in an effective and safe manner. Whether you are looking to maintain your equality or preserve your home for future generations, let us help you protect it.
Crawling and flying insects such as ants, roaches, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, silverfish, flies, bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, food storage moths, etc. Control of mice and rats Wood destroying insects, termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, powder post beetles. Animal control such as squirrels, raccoons, ground hogs, skunks, opossums, birds. We at reliable are proud not only of the quality of service we offer but also of our staff. Our technicians are full-time employees with in-depth experience in pest control work.
We provide animal removal and control services for homes and business through out New Jersey. We specialize in safely removing squirrels raccoons and all other animals that have wandered their way into your home's attic, basement or chimneys. We use safe and humane procedures when we remove and control animals in New Jersey. We provide same day animal removal services and will respond fast to all removal calls we receive because animals are very violent when protecting their young or feel endangered.
Call us for all your pest problems
Cold weather pest prevention tips: Lower temperatures may bring insects and other pests into your home to spend the winter. Keep them out of your home by cleaning gutters and downspouts. Piles of leaves, twigs and debris can be inviting to insects and rodents, who may then find their way into your home.
“Reliable Pest Control was awesome! First John answered the phone on a Saturday morning, and it was Halloween! and this is after calling 3-4 companies not one person answer. He showed up when he said he would took care of the bees and I will definitely use him again and will recommend him big time. Thanks John!!!” this a review we got today on another site how nice