Water is a basic necessity of life. In California water and sewage services are generally provided by municipal water districts. In San Diego County, water services are provided by 24 different municipal water authorities, the largest of which being the San Diego Public Utilities Department. A map of water agencies can be found here. UCAN advocates on behalf of utility rate payers and works to educate ratepayers and ensure the equitable, safe, reliable, cost-effective distribution of services. We are here to help!
Happy Holidays from UCAN https://t.co/TGMTfC9iqP #vr4smallbiz
Power Shut-Off Alert! SDG&E notifies 50,000 customers that they could lose power this week as the region gets hit by strong Santa Ana winds. A red flag fire weather warning will be in effect for the eastern half of San Diego County until at least 10 p.m. Tuesday. https:// www.sandiegounio ...
UCAN Power Shut Off Alert & Update http:// p0.vresp.com/ qNa0tA #vr4smallbiz
#GivingTuesday is an opportunity for people to stand together in unity – support UCAN as we work to ensure California achieves clean energy and reliable electric service. http:// www.ucan.org/ support-ucan/
Everyone can have an impact on #GivingTuesday! Join UCAN by pledging your dollars to support UCAN’s efforts to promote transportation electrification and maintain reasonable customer rates. http:// www.ucan.org/ support-ucan/
Together we stand. We're united with our global community for #GivingTuesday. Join the UCAN community on Dec 1 and… https://t.co/CgKaqpbC9X
TODAY IS GIVING TUESDAY https://t.co/DEybVxYpdp #vr4smallbiz