Who couldn't use a few extra bucks? First, we offer fair prices on professional HVAC installation and repair services. Second, your monthly power bills will be lower than ever because your AC is energy-efficient. At the end of the month, your bank account will thank you! Your air-conditioning system works hard to keep you comfortable. That's why you invest the money it takes to keep it running right. We provide you with excellent customer service, including anti-theft protection from TAKAN.
As a business person, you owe it to your employees or tenants to provide a comfortable work environment. At Ken Hardin Heating & Cooling, we can install top-quality heating and cooling systems for your entire property or service your existing ones. We usually provide a majority of the estimates on the same day. Your people will work harder when they're able to maintain a cozy climate. Everyone wins! Your savings begin when you get our FREE estimate on all commercial heating and cooling work. Let us help you keep your business costs down.
Are you tired of promises that are nothing but hot air? The professionals at Ken Hardin Heating & Cooling deliver the heat while the other guys just talk about it. We're a Lennox dealer, but we also service and maintain all makes and models of equipment. If you have commercial or residential heating needs, you can rely on us! You not only get warmth, but you also get the same warm service that has kept us in business for over 48 years.