H2Oasis is one of West Michigan's largest provider of lawn sprinkling and home heating products and services. H2Oasis is all about the "gathering spaces" in and outside of the home. The places where people go to retreat, relax, rejuvenate, and restore. Servicing both residential and commercial clients, H2Oasis will provide you with the highest quality products available, serviced and installed by our expert team of hearth and irrigation professionals. Our showrooms showcase an array of high-quality products to help bring elegance and beauty to both the inside and the outside of your home.
H2Oasisis one ofWest Michigan'slargest provider oflawn sprinklingandhome heatingproducts and services. Servicing bothresidentialandcommercialclients, H2Oasiswill provide you with the highest quality products available, serviced and installed by our expert team ofheatingandirrigation professionals. With three convenient locations, H2Oasishas been serving theWest Michiganarea for over 25 years. As anauthorizedTorodealerand one ofMichigan'slargestfireplace & stove retailer, we have the products and services that will solve all of yourirrigationandheatingneeds.
The Touch a Heart & Warm your Hearth event will run from Tuesday November 27, 2018 - Sunday December 23, 2018 Eastern Standard Time. There are two ways to qualify for a chance to win a new pellet stove including hearth pad, venting & installation, valued at a minimum of $4000.00 from H2Oasis Inc. First, you can fill out the application below completely or secondly, come into H2Oasis, Inc. located at 5950 14 Mile Rd. Rockford, MI 49341 and fill out your form. Nominations should have detailed information about the proposed recipient, and a compelling story about the entrant and/or recipient.
Hot days are still ahead, but it's never too early to start planning for chillier weather. Wouldn't it be nice to head into winter with a new fireplace, insert or stove in your home? Save up to $500 when you sign up now, but only through 9/24/18! Visit us today or get your exclusive coupon code for participating products from Quadra-Fire, Heat & Glo & Harman!
We bought an Avalon Arbor stove from a now defunct outfit. When we needed a part replaced they came, did the job - with a bit of help from my.
We bought a Harman Accentra 52i Pellet Stove Insert. They arrived on time. These guys were very nice but not very knowledgeable about installing or.
Called for a quote on installation, and they did not seem to want to do the job in the first place. Also did not seem very knowledgeable on anything.
Seasoned to perfection. ✔️
The Greenfield™ is Lopi’s largest cast iron gas stove! This powerhouse heater will warm up your living area in no time 🔥🙌🏼
https:// www.woodtv.com/ eightwest/ virtual-home-sho w/ h2oasis-can-help -you-create-the -space-of-your- dreams/
TAKE ACTION! FOKC Action Alert: Senate Poised to Take Action on Weapons Bills https://t.co/idlkOi5LlE https://t.co/M5dGfftAlY
DEAL ALERT! Save $100 on the purchase of a new Fireplace, Stove or Insert from Fireplace Xtrordinair https://t.co/XIJoqxdXR8
PRODUCT RELEASE: FireplaceX Introduces a NEW ProBuilder Series of Linear Gas Fireplaces for Less https://t.co/Ytfrg3AsIM
SALE ALERT - @QuadraFire Explorer II Wood Stove Save $300 https://t.co/qwQ1Z9xUT0
HALL Fireplace & Custom Stoll Metal Wall Installation https://t.co/kClas4Rhua
Thank you, @dennismonsewicz ! https://t.co/Kh0Gjx3L8e
It's most impressive in real life! Loved it! https://t.co/XtaGVXDB0z