EnPro is a California general energy and electrical contractor. Some of our areas include, San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles, Fresno, San Francisco, and Temecula. We help businesses with energy reduction, energy efficiency, energy management, energy maintenance, energy monitoring, solar panels and solar installation, LED for office, lighting for industrial warehouse, exterior lighting and controls, electrical onsite generation, as well as electrical contractor and maintenance supplies. When you need energy management, or electrical supplies, call EnPro at 559-458-0301.
Our talented team of Project Managers and Electricians play a crucial role in integrating and maintaining a successful project. Beyond our own team, we have contractor partners that install many of our projects. We rely on other contractors to supplement our team and to provide skills sets and trades that we don't have internally. EnPro partners with other electrical contractors, roofers, plumbers, painters, and mechanical contractors. EnPro Services is focused in three areas: Electrical Services, Lighting Maintenance, and Solar Operations & Maintenance.
We are aggressively seeking Electrical, Roofing, HVAC, and other Contractors to become Sales and Affiliate Partners. There is a transition that needs to occur in the contracting field. Too often, contractors sell materials and labor to their clients based primarily on the price of materials and suitability of purpose. There is a huge opportunity for the contractor that can expand their customer discussions beyond the technical merits and include the financial impact to energy bills. Customers want their energy bills to be considered by contractors, but rarely is it even contemplated.
Our experienced team of managers and engineers contemplate a variety of factors to design microgrids & custom generation systems. Solar PV is now widely utilized. With EnPro, solar PV is just one technology we consider to generate energy. Whether your space is on the ground, roof, or parking lot, EnPro Solar & Generation will find optimal combinations of technologies that maximize financial impact. We can design, engineer, install, and maintain the hybrid technology strategy that meets each facility's operational and financial objectives.