If your refrigeration equipment has reached or exceeded its life expectancy, we can help you choose the best possible choice for replacement.
Commercial kitchen repair, replacement, and installation with 24 hour customer service. Response within 2 hours during an emergency! We'll keep your restaurant up and running. We offer stainless steel welding, helping restaurants have longer lasting kitchen equipment. If you want to know more about the brands we carry or have any questions contact us here.
Oh behalf of Ohio Mechanical, our hearts go out to all those impacted by COVID-19-this includes not only those diagnosed with the virus, but also their friends and family, those whose jobs and schools have been impacted and so many more. With that being said, we are taking every precaution making sure that our technicians are temperature tested along with washing hands frequently. As we head through these uncharted waters we will continue to be your number one choice for all your service needs.
Beautiful ☀️ Summer Day to be flying high at one of our valued clients!
Good morning! Another nice job for a valued client. OMI has been blessed to be incredibly busy with replacements. We have set over 20 pieces of gear in a 2 month period. The service dept is on fire! Our team is getting a work out. None of this could be achieved without the vast knowledge & efforts...
Alert!! Alert!! We are now hiring qualified techs for Hvac, refrigeration, and hot side is bonus! Email resume to ohiomec@aol.com
Winter is right around the corner.... Keep your warehouse heater working flawlessly. #ohiomechanical https://t.co/E1fygFVM1H
Looking for a #refrigeration senior tech. Willing to pay top wage. Sign on bonus. #HVAC #refrigeration #ohiojobs
Beautiful weather here in #OHIO great day to get outside!
#HVAC #refrigeration #ohiorestaurants Don't forget to put in a planned maintenance program to increase efficiency, and reduce costs!!
@PandaExpress Just have to mention, you have an excellent manager in Will at your Reynoldsburg, Ohio store!!
@Roosters keep up the great wing cookin' and beer servin' !!! Central Ohio would not be the same without you!