Our mission is to design and manufacture next generation energy recovery products that perform reliably for the life of the HVAC system. We will continue to innovate and support our customers with quality components that meet or exceed market requirements for improved HVAC efficiency and indoor air quality. Airxweb is the latest software offering from Airxchange, a FREE, web-based performance selection and energy modeling tool. This comprehensive, user friendly interface allows HVAC engineers to compare and select Airxchange AHRI certified energy recovery components with ease and flexibility.
For over 35 years, Airxchange has been an industry leader in setting the ERV market standards with innovative products that are designed for longevity in a wide variety of residential and commercial HVAC applications. Airxchange's 35 years of experience manufacturing Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) components has culminated in designs having outstanding performance, reliability, and maintainability. Our comprehensive product line developed from the experience of more than 285,000 installations provide a stable, robust platform for HVAC original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to choose from.
The HVAC community plays a vital role in providing healthful indoor environments in which to live, learn, work, and play. With half of all illnesses attributable to indoor airborne contaminants, the EPA has declared indoor air quality a public health priority. Outdoor air ventilation is the only strategy that can simultaneously reduce the levels of all indoor pollutants. This strategy, in general accordance with the Dilution Principle, is illustrated in the dilution curve below. Each doubling of the outdoor ventilation rate results in a 50% reduction in the concentration of all constant source indoor air pollutants evenly mixed within the space.
Fresh air is the #1 requirement for a healthy indoor environment. According to the EPA, people spend 90% of their time indoors, breathing air that is likely 2 to 5 times more polluted than the outdoor air. The use of fresh, filtered outdoor air to achieve maximum dilution of all indoor pollutants is therefore crucial to our health and well-being. Building codes require minimum ventilation rates intended to satisfy 80% of building occupants. However, multiple studies have shown that ventilation rates above these minimums significantly improve occupant health, productivity and cognitive abilities.
Airxchange manufactures a wide variety of energy recovery ventilation components for HVAC Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) serving residential, commercial, institutional and industrial building applications. For over 35 years, our partners have integrated Airxchange components into a variety of platforms such as stand-alone ventilators, packaged rooftop units, vertical packaged units and standard, semi-custom and custom air handlers. AHRI certified performance ratings, proven product reliability, and unwavering customer support insures our partners investments in efficient, reliable, and sustainable ERV solutions.
Energy recovery wheels offer a highly efficient alternative to condition fresh outdoor air as compared to typical HVAC fuel sources such as electricity and natural gas. Our energy recovery wheels reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings. By recycling up to 80% of otherwise wasted energy from building exhaust air, Airxchange wheels reduce heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment size and operating cost, while enabling increased use of outdoor air.
Our mission is to design and manufacture high quality products that perform reliably and effectively for the life of the HVAC system, reduce energy consumption, and improve indoor air quality. The addition of high-tech materials and innovative designs to a technology based on fundamental scientific principles has earned us the trust of our valued OEM customers. We will continue to innovate and support our customers to meet evolving market demands for energy recovery ventilation and environmental standards for improved indoor air quality.
Uniting Health, Energy, and Environment - Airxchange Energy Recovery Technology improves building HVAC system performance by efficiently preconditioning the outdoor air supply. Incorporating Airxchange energy recovery components into an HVAC system. Airxchange energy recovery technology enables Energy Recovery Ventilators, commonly referred to as ERV systems, to provide fresh outdoor air at 1/3 the cost of conventional systems. Outdoor air raises Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) by reducing indoor air pollution improving the health and productivity of building occupants.
Happy #WorldEnergyEfficiencyDay ! Recycle up to 80% of building energy with Airxchange's energy recovery wheels.… https://t.co/gRfpHhxgvJ
Maximizing Indoor Air Quality Without Sacrificing #EnergyEfficiency with Energy Recovery https://t.co/pR8TMNDsjB En… https://t.co/6pXHHkBTIO
Can #EnergyRecovery Systems Solve the Energy & #Humidity Problems of Higher Outdoor Air Flow in #Schools? @EPA's FR… https://t.co/6KCJIgSFZz
Importance of Ventilation in Schools. https://t.co/X6lUZKkgOi #Ventilation removes indoor air pollutants in buildin… https://t.co/dFsiD7IQVJ
Want A Satisfied Workforce? Start By Creating Healthier Buildings @Forbes - https://t.co/uqMjdewXj7… https://t.co/HezYnZhvtD
New! Airxchange Webinar Series - Operational Guidance for Energy Recovery Technology in Schools. 3/24 at 11AM EST R… https://t.co/08WC29dx6g
Energy recovery products such as the energy wheel and energy core are essential for maintaining desired space condi… https://t.co/j4xuorsA5L
New! White Paper-Improve Building #Resiliency with Affordable Outdoor Air Ventilation. Minimum ventilation rates re… https://t.co/R2mVC37SYl
2020 @johnsoncontrols Energy Efficiency Indicator Study Protecting occupant health and safety, & operational effici… https://t.co/n7K13Gibhi
Maintaining indoor air quality is imperative for occupant health and comfort as well as the reliable operation and… https://t.co/q4OCMKr3gi