BMI Mechanical, Inc. and BMI-PacWest, Inc. provide preventive maintenance and commercial HVAC services for customers throughout California and the Central Coast. Our proactive service programs support critical building systems and deliver measurable results. When you work with BMI, you can expect noticeable improvements in energy efficiency and system reliability, as well as a reduction in operating costs and financial risk. Whether you're looking for consistency in building cooling and heating, equipment reliability for business processes, or custom solutions for your facilities, we can help.

BMI Mechanical, Inc. has a long tradition of excellence and BMI-PacWest, Inc., an HVAC company formed by BMI to service our customers on the Central Coast, continues our legacy of quality without compromise. Both companies are proud members of the Linc Service Contractor Network, a world leader in commercial HVAC service. Let BMI help you navigate the complexities of the commercial HVAC industry - optimizing your buildings and your budgets - with customized and measurable solutions.

With over 100 years of experience in the industry, we are the go-to company for HVAC services on the Central Coast. BMI specializes in commercial HVAC maintenance solutions. We customize solutions based on the specific challenges and industry trends our clients face. This allows us to maintain current equipment, prevent future problems, plan for upgrades, and optimize budgets. Once we conduct a thorough evaluation of your current infrastructure and needs, we can create a custom HVAC solution for your company.

At BMI, we are always on the look-out for the best ways to help our customers meet their HVAC needs in the most cost-effective way possible. Through our ongoing research, we are able to leverage the latest technology to source, install and maintain automated HVAC control systems for our clients. We are able to improve indoor comfort & consistency, and reduce energy consumption through open protocol control solutions. This means you'll never be locked-in with a proprietary vendor. Building automation solutions from BMI help our clients reduce operating costs and increase the value of their properties.

BMI offers a variety of commercial HVAC maintenance and project solutions designed to support a variety of building functions, including critical heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Our solutions are designed to improve efficiency, reduce operating costs, promote green initiatives, and more. Maintenance Solutions: BMI designs proactive and predictive maintenance programs that are self-funded through the savings they achieve for your facility. On average, BMI saves its customers 10-30% above and beyond the cost of their customized programs.

We can work with your company to find the most effective bundled energy solution for your unique situation. Our solutions are designed to give your company manageable energy costs by reducing energy consumption with optimized and custom solutions. These solutions include everything from upgrades to existing infrastructures to 100% new construction. When you work with BMI, we'll manage your bundled energy solution from beginning to end. You can remain confident in our industry-leading solutions designed to give you more control, efficiency, and value.

What's new?

Get rid of your air conditioning repair bills FOR GOOD! BMI highlights 3 Ways to Lower HVAC Repair Costs in this week’s blog: https:// www.bmimechanica lower-hvac-repai r-costs/ #hvacrepair #fixedcost #hvac #maintenance

Posted on Feb 24, 2021  •  Facebook

What a beautiful and generous gift from Number1Recyclin g! They are a great partner to BMI helping to recover and recycle materials from our job sites. We appreciate you Number 1 Recycling! BMI Team...first-co me, first-served! #businessgifts #sweattreats #officesnacks

Posted on Feb 24, 2021  •  Facebook

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner…does your service provider have your best interests at heart? Learn what it takes, from BMI’s latest blog: https:// www.bmimechanica best-hvac-compan y/#valentinesday #bestHVAC #airconditioning #heating #ventilation

Posted on Feb 09, 2021  •  Facebook

Here are 3 HVAC technology trends you need to watch for in 2021! BMI explains what they can do for your business in this week’s blog: https:// #2021trends #airconditioning #heating #ventilation

Posted on Jan 26, 2021  •  Facebook

Current with the latest regulatory updates for R-22 refrigerant? BMI reviews the status of the phase-out, and the top considerations for facility managers, updated for 2021! Visit https:// for our latest blog!#HVAC #refrigeration #compliance #2021updates

Posted on Jan 08, 2021  •  Facebook