Driving on rough roads filled with pot holes or hitting a curb can immensely affect your alignment. Improper wheel alignment can result in uneven tire wear. It's imperative to ensure your alignment is inspected or corrected every 6,000 miles or so. Getting your wheel alignment prevents more costly damage and repairs down the road. Wheel alignment provides the best performance for your vehicle. Having your wheels pointed in the correct direction ensures longer tire life and a smoother drive. Another benefit is less energy to power your vehicle which results in saving gas.

When you live in Missouri, maintaining your car's heating system is important. We also average 18 inches of snow between December and March. The point is: When the cold strikes, you have to be prepared or you may experience significant discomfort. Other warning flags include inadequate heating or if your vehicle temperature gauge indicates a "red" condition. To determine the problem, we can take a look at all of your heating system components such as the heater fan, thermostat, water pump, hoses, blower motor, control valve, and heater core.

Inside your engine is a fuel system made up of a fuel filter, fuel pump, and fuel injectors. Over time, dirt, carbon, and varnishes can build up in your fuel system. When one part of the system is damaged, the other parts can be affected, too. This is why fuel injection services are important to the life of your vehicle. It is recommended that you get your fuel system serviced every 30,000 miles. If your vehicle is experiencing poor acceleration, lurching, poor performance, repeated stalling, rough idle, poor fuel mileage, or engine pinging, it is likely time to bring your car in to be serviced.

If you are having air conditioning problems, it could be more serious than you think. A refrigerant breakdown can lead to compressor problems which can ultimately result in issues concerning entire system. You could be having air conditioning problems due to mold or mildew, a loose hose, a fried ventilation fan, opened up seals, a failed blower motor, a damaged condenser, vacuum leaks, or a failed switch. No matter what air conditioning issue you are experiencing, you can count on us to diagnose and fix it.

The electrical system of your car includes the starter, alternator, and battery. Other electrical components to your vehicle include your antilock brakes, side mirrors, power seating, door locks, turn signals, windshield wipers, windows, defroster, and cruise control. You might need to have your electrical system checked out if your vehicle won't start, your headlights are dim, or your interior or dashboard lights aren't as bright as they should be. At Custom Complete Automotive, we can diagnose your system and pinpoint any problems.

Great service. Fast and efficient for an oil change. I would recommend going here for your vehicle needs

Great service. Fast and efficient for an oil change. I would recommend going here for your vehicle needs

Kirksville Custom Complete Automotive has terminated an employee after years and years of loyal service for having cancer as stated in his.

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When it comes to your car, it's important to know the signs of any issue. One common #auto issue is a vacuum leak. Check out our recent blog post to discover a few signs and causes of a vacuum leak and how our certified #technicians can help!https:// www.customcomple teautomotive.co m/ 4-signs-your-car -has-a-vacuum-l eak/

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