We prefer to work smarter, not harder. A few minutes of planning up front typically avoids hours of frustration & heartache in the future. A major home remodeling project can be a wonderful life-changing experience. At the same time, we also know that done poorly, it can be extremely stressful for the homeowner. As an experienced home remodeler, at Lamar Valley Craftsman we make every effort to ensure your experience is as pleasant, comfortable, and rewarding as possible. For us, the quality of the remodeling experience is as important as the quality of the final product.
As a custom home builder, at Lamar Valley Craftsman, we specialize in one thing: building beautiful homes that meet the needs of your lifestyle and make you happy. We believe wholeheartedly in the Not So Big House concept, as well as building homes that are as free of toxic chemicals as possible, are friendly to the environment, and are amazingly energy efficient. We also embrace the idea of creating a home that can be your forever home that you can grow old in (the concept of aging in place). And we love to help homeowners remodel to make that home that isn't currently working into something that's beautifully functional.