Even if you do not need to remodel your whole home, or even a whole room, you can count on us to do other jobs for you. These include painting, cabinetry for your kitchen, bathroom, closets or pantry, electrical work, energy conservation work that includes insulation and windows, floors and any job that enables water conservation for you. When you spend money on energy and water conservation in fact you are investing in future savings. Your water and electrical bill will go down and you will be able to see the savings by the end of the year.
Business and home renovations may not be as easy to estimate for as a brand new construction. You may have heard stories about friends or colleagues who started a renovation, were given one estimate, and then found they had to dish out a lot more money because the plumbing turned out to be damaged, termites damaged the structure of the building, you name it. These things happen, but I will always let you know what you may expect during our first discussion. As we take a closer look at the site where you need to remodel, we always do our best to uncover any additional work that you may not be aware of that needs to be done.
No matter what your remodeling needs are, I am able and willing to take on your project and work closely with you until it matches what you had in mind. No job is too big or too small, I do them all, with the same care and close attention to detail and to your needs. Some of the types of construction I tackle are commercial construction and remodeling, condos, residential, I will give you estimates, and any type of renovations that you may need in any of the above categories. I warranty the work my company performs, I provide clean-up services, and I will take care of building or remodeling your bathroom, bedroom, dining room, entryway, your kitchen, living room and even your patio or lanai.
When you think of remodeling your condo, you must abide by a certain kind of rules, which are dictated by your homeowners' association's governing documents. These tell you what you are able and not able to do in your own condo. In a condo situation, you are the owner of what is on the inside of your walls. Other elements such as the roof, exterior and even the plumbing or gas lines belong to you and all the other owners, so depending on how strict your homeowner's association is, you may face a certain amount of difficulty when it comes to getting exactly what you want done.
So your garage does not look its best. You are not alone, and I will help you turn it into the place where you not only park your car but store your tools, your golf-clubs, fishing gear and anything else that is important for you. I will help you choose a finish for the floor, paint for the walls, make the most of the space and choose cabinets or shelving to keep it all organized and uncluttered. Remember the smell of your parent's garage when you were a kid? It may bring back cozy memories. I want to help you make your garage as welcoming and homey as that, without losing track of functionality!
There are two aspects to building or remodeling a bathroom. The first is what you see and is pretty obvious. The second is what you don't see and may not be as obvious. For instance you may be looking at beautiful cabinets and fixtures but may not have considered that having less professional contractor or plumber install them can result in all kinds of problems. I have heard several stories where people bought beautiful bathroom cabinets, etc. and then hired a handyman to install them. The only problem is that when the handyman installed the cabinets he screwed a hole into the wall and into a water pipe.
Every bedroom is different. Remodeling or building a master bedroom is different from remodeling or building a kid's bedroom. I will discuss with you whether you want to change the floor, expand the adjacent bathroom or walk-in closet. Is it better to lower or raise the ceiling? Do you want to install fixtures such as ceiling fans or lighting fixtures? Do you need to change the doors? What is your budget? We will discuss these and more things when talking about one of the most important rooms in the house.
Replacing a floor may seem like a no brainer. Rip out the old one. Toss in the new one. Easy as pie. And so of course you may assume that you should get nice looking tiles (or carpet) and then find the cheapest possible person to put them in. All I (Mike Buddemeyer) can say is that if you follow this plan then you may end up unhappy and paying much more than you expected. First, on carpet if you have any type of breathing problem you should avoid cheap carpets that can give off fumes "for years".
There are few places in your home where it is more important to have quality work done. On the surface it may seem like a good place to cut corners. But in reality saving a few dollars here on plumbing can cost you thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. As in the story above it's not just the cost of repairing leaks. It's the cost of repairing the damage caused by water and mold. Ripping out walls, carpet, etc. If you hire a fly by night company to do this work, then you end up stuck covering these repairs out of your own pocket.
You may already know that your air-conditioning system or your heating-system and vents could be a health hazard if they are not kept in good shape. If they are not running properly, or making noises, giving off strange smells and such, your electricity bill may be a lot higher than it should. When we do mechanical renovations and installations we make sure that your systems are up and running to match your needs and the weather demands of your area. Whether you make more use of the A/C than the heater or viceversa, it is important that all parts of the system are in optimal operating condition.
Commercial remodeling and construction has its own peculiarities. It requires taking into account what type of business you will be doing or are doing at your site. Based on that and what needs to be done, then permits and permits need to be requested from the county or other specific departments. It is not the same to remodel or build a restaurant than a real estate office. My customers (friends) have all different kinds of businesses and they can tell you that I make sure I let them know of everything their business entails as far as construction and remodeling go.
Whether you are building a new house or remodeling your home, electrical wiring is vital. When remodeling, we make sure that we do the best job, by replacing the wiring that needs to be replaced without making you incur in unneeded expenses. Additional outlets on the walls, switches and more need to be placed in practical spots for you. Older homes usually have less outlets and in odder places than in modern homes. This makes sense because nowadays we have many more electrical gadgets, from TVs, gaming systems, cordless phones, laptops, PCs, small and large kitchen appliances and more.
When replacing an air conditioner or having one installed in a new home you need to consider several things. Price is the first thing most people think of but you should also think of "the long term cost to run this air conditioner while keeping your home at a comfortable temperature", the size of the air conditioner (cooling power - tonnage), warranties and even how it is installed. Many people try to save money by having a smaller (cheaper) air conditioner installed. What they don't realize is that on a hot day in Florida that it could take this air condition could take hours to bring the the air down to a comfortable temperature.
I will show you all the options you have for cabinets in your kitchen, your bathroom, closets, garage and more. There are so many to choose from! There are traditional styles, contemporary styles, classical styles, and they all combine functionality with great looks. Some can be custom-made to fit the nooks and crannies you want to make the most of. You can be as organized as is possible with the options that the specialists in this kind of work will give you.
As soon as you notice something "off" in your electrical system, such as the fuses blowing often, a blinking light or anything else that is suspicious, please find an expert that can figure out what is going on before it becomes a hazard. Do not overload an outlet and make sure all outlets are clear and uncluttered. Tie up any long cords so they don't become entangled. When not in use, try to get used to unplugging devices. Don't use electrical air fresheners as they may be a fire hazard. You can use other types of air fresheners that are not only cheaper but safer.
One thing most people neglect when building or remodeling a home is to consider the water pressure. First their may not be enough pressure in the local lines. Second their can be further reductions in water pressure caused if you use pipes that are to narrow or that have bends that are too tight etc. This goes for shower heads too. I have a simple recommendation. Before you build consult with us or a quality plumber and make sure that where you plan to build has adequate pressure and get some kind of guarantee that you will have adequate pressure when your home or remodeling is done.
The water heater in your home accounts for a significant part of your electrical bill. The best thing you can do upfront is invest in an energy-efficient water heater that is the proper size and capacity to match your heating needs. Adjust the temperature and ask your technician what an energy-efficient temperature is. You really do not need scalding hot water in your shower or bath!