Ask yourselves those questions: Do I have the money budgeted for new cabinetry? Am I unhappy with the existing layout? Am I happy with the look of the cabinets or the lack of features they provide? If your answer is NO to at least 2 of the above, you might want to consider refacing. It can give your kitchen a brand new, up to date, top of the line look at half the price for total remodeling. Then why not? After all, all there is to a kitchen remodeling is wood, color, and new look to your cabinet doors and drawers.
Very often, it is the case that we like the cabinets we have. They are beautiful, up to date and sturdy. But the finish has faded away, has been dulled by emissions from cooking, or it has been damaged by spilling water. If you are happy with your kitchen cabinets and all you want is to refresh the look of your cabinet surfaces or you want to change the color a notch or two, then refinishing is the way to go. We use durable, UV- and moisture- protective finishes that will last for decades.
The "going green" movement is gaining momentum every day. There are two big motivational factors: going green saves money in the long run and is eco-friendly. It is true that insulating your home and replacing the old one-pane windows is costly. However, you are guaranteed to get large energy savings out of it. Modern technologies combined with reusable products such as salvaged hardwood flooring or bricks are eco-friendly. They save mother nature from overuse and are easily restore to their original beauty.