We understand the importance of a well maintained facility. Our expert office cleaning services ensure a worry free way for your business to maintain a professional atmosphere day after day. Few things are as exciting as making improvements to your home or business. While it can be inconvenient for a time, when construction projects are completed you get to enjoy the results for many years to come. One unexpected problem many people face, however, is that while the construction is completed, there is still dust and debris all over the house.
We understand the importance of a well maintained facility. Our expert office cleaning services ensure a worry free way for your business to maintain a professional atmosphere day after day. Expect a deeper level of clean! If you're ready for a spotless office, call the business with a spotless reputation. Budget commercial cleaning service is a New York and New Jersey area office cleaning company whose employees are specially trained in the most modern and effective office cleaning techniques. Our professionals are also trained in product usage and safety procedures.
Even the smallest fire can cause severe damage or destruction on your property. Whether an accident has occurred at your home, or faulty electrical wiring has affected your business we can help. When you call we are available 24/7. Because, even after the smoke and flames are gone, it is possible for structural and property damage to continue. Most materials found in flooring and furniture are synthetic, which means that when they are subject to extreme temperatures, complex chemical reactions occur.
The quality of Mint carpet cleaning in New York is unmatched. We get out stains and smells more effectively than any other New York carpet cleaning service, and we do it for less! Via pickup or delivery, from the moment we have your carpet, rug, upholstery or draperies in hand, we treat them with the same loving care we treat our own. There is no limit to what we can do for you. We tackle all types of carpet and rug repairs, cleanings, and treatments. Our area rug cleaners in New York are fast and efficient.
Mint Green Carpet Cleaning inc has been the pioneer of rug cleaning company in New York area. Our cutting edge technology and environmentally friendly processes made to preserve the colors and textures of your rug while it's clean. Every rug is carefully examined to determine the best method of cleaning. After cleaning the area rug is dried in a specially designed humidity and temperature controlled area When dry, your rug receives final inspection the entire process normally takes 7-10 business days.
Your rugs are precious - don't entrust them to unknowledgeable or careless carpet cleaners! Mint Green Cleaning takes pride in our knowledge of specialty fibers and cleaning methods of all types of rugs including Orientals and other fine rugs. All rugs are brought to our facility to test colors and inspect before we clean. Pre-inspection determines the cleaning method best suited for your rug's particular weave, fibers and dyes. Most rugs require more than one cleaning, so it is more cost effective to our customers for the rugs to be kept where we can monitor the results and make sure the rug is as clean as possible.
Pipe bursts, leaking water heaters and other plumbing mishaps can occur when least expected. You are depending on fast, competent help that can stop the damage, dry then restore your home or business. ABC Green Cleaning is equipped to handle anything from a small leak to an entire house flooded with water. We will inspect the problem and follow procedures approved by the industry. From rising water to tub overflows, we can recommend and perform the necessary emergency procedures to save your carpet, furniture and prevent further structural damage.
Our team is here to ensure that you get the best help for your carpeting without causing any damage to any aspect of your home, so why wait? Contact us today and allow us to help. We mainly use steam cleaning method with a truck-mounted unit. This method, recommended by the carpet manufacturers, is considered the best and safest method of cleaning. A truck-mounted unit uses a powerful gas fueled engine instead of electricity to turn the components. Hot steam kills majority types of bacteria on contact while a powerful vacuum extracts the bacteria, dirt, dander, allergens and other environmental pollutants from deep within the carpet fibers without resorting to detergents and shampoos.
The allergy clean process we use is the finest cleaning process for upholstery known in the world today. Most advanced cleaning equipment and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions available in the industry. We specialize in hard to clean fabrics such as silks, satins and many more. Our highly trained technicians can determine which method of cleaning is best for your fabric. Also drapes cleaning and curtains cleaning available per request. Ask about our special "Maintenance Program". Professional cleaning actually prolongs the beauty and life of your upholstery and helps eliminate the expense of re-upholstering.
Wood floors are beautiful and durable, making them a popular choice of flooring in both commercial and residential locations. However, over time wood floors can lose their beauty if they are not maintained and refinished properly. The benefits to regularly scheduled professional cleaning and refinishing coating of your wood floors is first to keep your floor's appearance level at it's best all the time and second to eliminate the need to ever have to go through the 3-4 day hassle and expense of re sanding your floor.
A leader in the eco-friendly cleaning industry since 2004, Mint Green Cleaning has just launched its legendary service in New York. As the premier eco-conscious New York house cleaning company, we use only natural products and offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee! We are the Best at House Cleaning New York, period. All our employees have been background checked, bonded, insured and thoroughly trained. We deliver 100% client satisfaction. All our cleaning products are eco-friendly, while our equipment keeps your home dust and allergens free to ensure a healthy, natural home.