Since 1999, 24Hr Plumber has lead the industry, producing the most honest and reliable plumbing repair services for your home or business in Dallas, Fort Worth and Denton. Committed to excellence, we bring our clients superior understanding and application, giving you fast, affordable solutions. From emergency residential repairs to hard to find parts, we hope to be your all inclusive plumber, focused on the quality and selection of plumbing needs. We have licensed plumbers ready to answer any of your plumbing questions from water heater to slab leaks.
Welcome to 24hr plumbing your window to the world of plumbing in the Dallas, fort worth area. In this site you will get to know all about, plumbing, plumbing supply, plumbing contractor, plumbing repair, plumbing tools, plumbing code etc. The term Plumbing came from the Latin word plumbum, which meant lead. It is the skilled trade of working with things like the pipes, tubing, and the drainage of waste. The plumbing system of most homes comprises of three things, namely the water supply system, the central drainage system and the fixtures and the appliances.
A 24 hour plumber is a plumber that not only has normal business hours, but is also on call for specific emergency plumbing/heating issues. He is the one you're going to want to call at three in the morning on a freezing December day when you realize your water heater is broken or when you notice a pipe leaking. Our Fully Trained and Proficient Emergency Maintenance Engineers are available 24 Hours 7 Days a week, 365 days a year to attend to your problems promptly and competently with the least disorder to your home and pocket!
Leaky pipes in or under your foundation are consider slab leaks. A leak under your foundation can be a very dangerous problem for your home. Slab leaks if not treated immediately will cause the damage to spread and can even lead to irreversible structural damage to your home and foundation. 24 Hour Plumbing specializes in slab leak repair. We get a slab leak repair at least once a week so we know excatly what to do to fix the problem right and how to prevent from it happening again. We also save you money by having the proper equipment to the job right the first time around.
24 Hour Plumbing provides complete water heater repair and replacement throughout the Dallas Ft worth area. Our plumbers are certified to work on gas, electric, tankless and hybrid water heaters. When it comes down to commercial water heaters we have extensive expirience in all boiler systems. Dont stress over a leaking water heater let us help. We have water heaters in stock 24 hours a day or you can pick one up and will install it for you, either way we have you covered on any of your plumbing needs.