GGM, works closely with building owners, developers, property managers, and general contractors to provide effective and efficient air conditioning systems. We provide in-depth consultation, planning, and evaluation for a variety of projects.
Preventative Maintenance plans are beneficial to the everyday operation and efficiency HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems in your business' facility. Peak efficiency, maximum system capacity, extended equipment life, lower energy cost and better indoor air quality are the major items of importance when considering a maintenance plan. After extended usage, air conditioning systems can restrict airflow, excessive moisture, and premature rusting can occur. If not properly maintained, unnecessary strain on the air conditioning equipment can result in higher energy expenses.
At GGM we provide all types of ongoing plumbing services, daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly. Which include design, installation, certification and service and repair. When you enroll in our preventative maintenance program we can help you reduce costly plumbing pitfalls and water usage.
A customer asked me how much it cost to do this job. I answered him: $ 1500 He said: So expensive for this job? I asked: How much do you think it would cost you? He answers me: $ 800 maximum. That's a pretty simple job right?! - For $ 800 I invite you to do it yourself. - But. I don't know.
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