When buying a house with a pool you can pay your home inspector an "add-on" fee to look at the pool. The problem is that home inspectors know very little about pools. We see time and time again where a home inspector has either missed something critical or exaggerated something that was not a big deal. Both of these mistakes get in the way of completing a fair home purchase! And many more like these require the expertise of a pool professional to answer. Our licensed pool professionals will complete a detailed inspection and report laying out what is working, what needs repair, and what the costs are for those repairs.
If you know you have a leak we recommend a comprehensive leak detection with Prime Pool Service. We have the knowledge, experience, and tools to do the job right. At Prime Pool Service, we put a huge emphasis on customer service, and for good reason. We understand that your pool is a significant investment, and that you're counting on us to provide the dependable leak detection you deserve.