Headed by Henry B. Fernandez Jr., Board Certified Entomologist, Asash Termite & Pest Control Co., Inc., is and has been Laredo's leading termite and pest control company. Well, perhaps become is the wrong word - the fact is that we've held that position for over 69 years now. We've managed to maintain our leader status so long because of the unquestionable quality of our services and the undeniable results. Whether you're facing structure gnawing termites, invasive ants, repulsive roaches or skittering mice, Asash Termite & Pest Control Co., Inc., has the expertise required to make your pest troubles fade away - and stay gone.
The professionals at Asash Termite & Pest Control Co., Inc., offer special blended fertilizers specifically formulated for soils in the Laredo area. We can properly fertilize your lawn and trees to ensure maximum benefits. Give us a call today to have a professional and experienced Asash technician inspect your lawn.
As long time members of leading professional industry organizations, the National Pest Control Association, Texas Pest Control Association, Entomological Society of America, and the American Registry of Board Certified Entomologists, we are informed of the latest developments in pest control techniques. Henry B. Fernandez Jr., is a Board Certified Entomologist and is ready to solve your pest problems. The fact that Laredo has relied on us for over six decades proves there is no better certification than that.
Laredo and the surrounding areas in the Gulf Coast region of Texas have one of the highest termite infestations in the entire nation. Termites have the potential to completely destroy the structure of a home or business. Prevent the worst from happening. Call Asash Termite & Pest Control Co., Inc., today for a proper evaluation of your termite problem. We will be sure to thoroughly and properly treat your home or business to eliminate the threat.