With more than 35 years of experience in the environmental sales and service industry, Tom offers our customers executive management, sales, operations, business management and acquisitions expertise. Tom joined Liquid Environmental Solutions to provide additional experience and leadership to our growing network of wastewater treatment and byproduct recovery plants. In his most recent position as Vice-President, Strategic Operations & Acquisitions with Heritage-Crystal Clean, Tom was responsible for the company's wastewater treatment facilities and for directing all M&A activity.
With 30 years in waste management and a depth of experience with food-related companies, Peter offers our customers value: the ability to intimately understand the business and compliance issues they face, and the knowledge that we offer effective, practical and affordable solutions. Peter joined Liquid Environmental Solutions in 2007 and is responsible for managing the Customer Solutions group, which focuses on servicing food service establishments, food manufacturers, environmental services and automotive service-related companies.
For waste management companies who are interested in expanding their reach, partnering with Liquid Environmental Solutions provides an attractive option for extending their disposal and recycling capabilities. We're fully permitted and insured, and our compliance guarantee ensures that your liabilities are minimized. In addition to our stringent compliance measures and our extensive network of treatment facilities, we also set high standards for environmental stewardship and sustainability. We recycle up to 95% of the food waste we collect, and, last year, nearly 10% of the waste we collected was transformed into renewable energy.
Welcome to the LES family, Advance Plumbing & Septic of Birmingham: https:// www.liquidenviro .com/blog-news/ liquid-environme ntal-solutions- acquires-advanc e-plumbing-sept ic-of-birmingha m! We're so glad you're here. #les
Take 5, your grease trap will appreciate it: https:// www.liquidenviro .com/blog-news/ five-must-knows- for-grease-trap -maintenance. #les
OWS. Oil Water Separator. What are these, what do they do and why: https:// www.liquidenviro .com/blog-news/ what-are-oil-wat er-separators-h ow-do-they-work -and-why? #les
We're growing again: https://t.co/GrXs6XQ6ST! #les https://t.co/GvcFAUW3PP
Keep it clean, y'all: https://t.co/cUzjNHNOA4! https://t.co/OTLU8LdEKp
It's easy, give it a try: https://t.co/casJPFyXO3! #les https://t.co/R6kR73ClUI
'Tis the season: https://t.co/DH2ry3XSYy! #les https://t.co/TfqNrFdbzj
Thank you: https://t.co/V5OWuoHa4h! #les https://t.co/2FqfhEH5dr