Rugs should be cleaned annually to rid them of accumulated dust, pollen, spores, bacteria, debris, and dust mites. Since opening in 1946, we've hand cleaned and restored over a half million fine rugs. Our method, honed over the years, guarantees satisfaction to all of our customers by completely removing impurities from the rug. Now, we're proud to begin accepting rugs by mail. We've designed a kit complete with labels, sleeve, and both-way shipping via UPS or FedEx. All you have to do to get started is give us a call!

Since opening our doors in 1946, we've hand cleaned and restored over a half million fine rugs. Our 10-step method, honed throughout the years, guarantees satisfaction to all of our customers by completely removing impurities from your rug. We treat your rug with the care and craftsmanship given when it was woven. For rugs with damage, our skilled artisans are able to repair and restore the beauty and value of your heirloom. Traditional steam cleaning methods won't work with your fine rug; they simply compress the debris beneath the surface.

We clean high-volume orders and coordinate regular cleaning programs for high-traffic rugs for hotels, banks, hospitals, and more. We also help steam cleaners and disaster recovery services with their toughest problem rugs.

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