Please select one of our services in the menu. Hydrosol System offers three areas of service: Industrial Chemical Cleaning, High Purity Passivation and Electropolishing. We also service the pipeline industry with our state of the art liquid ring vacuum trucks. Hydrosol System has been in the Industrial and High Purity Cleaning Business since 1948. It's Ohio location is ideal for servicing a majority of the United States Industrial and Pharmaceutical markets. We are a family-owned business, operating under our third generation of management.
It is important to passivate your heat exchangers periodically to help avoid iron oxide build-up, pitting and corrosion. Passivation of new equipment to treat the surface against corrosion before use is important start in your maintenance routine. Heat exchanger fouling can greatly reduce the efficiency of your equipment. Down time and total system failure can incur significant costs and loss of profit and production. Hydrosol can help create a routine maintenance schedule to keep your heat exchanger or plate heat exchanger free of fouling and debris.
It is important to passivate not only new boilers but also perform passivation maintenance periodically to extend the life of your equipment and protect it from corrosion. Passivation will help protect your stainless steel and pressure parts to remove damaging dirt, oil and rust that may cause oxidation. Hydrosol System crews mobilize high velocity pumps and filtration systems to customer site. Boiler tubes are isolated with minimal disassembly and cleaned by circulating chemicals at high velocities.
Our technicians achieved excellent results on this corroded carbon steel pipe! These results were achieved by using our specialized carbon steel cleaning process.
For Sale: 2005 International DuraStar 4300 SBA 4x2 Engine International: DT466 210 HP/2600 RPM Wheel base: 199.016' Stake bed 190,160 miles $13,000.00