Our carpet cleaning company provides a free, no-obligation 15 minute Carpet Cleaning Evaluation that describes the results you can expect from our expert residential carpet cleaner, plus an exact carpet cleaning price that includes our 100% risk-free guarantee in writing. If you are not pleased with the results of our carpet cleaning services, we will promptly return and redo the problem area at NO CHARGE. If you are still not satisfied with our carpet cleaning, you pay nothing. What could be more fair?
Ever wonder why grout looks so much dirtier than the tile? Regular mopping of a tile floor usually moves dirt and debris INTO the grout with water, which the grout absorbs, making tile and grout floors look dirty over a short period of time. However a professional tile cleaning service can get your floors looking new again right away. Our tile and grout cleaning professionals will not only clean your tile and grout floors but can also apply a unique color seal to create a barrier between your grout and the typical daily dirt and spills we throw at them.
Do you have torn, damaged or burned carpet in need of repair? Repairing small areas of carpet is usually substantially more cost effective than replacing whole areas of carpet so let the carpet cleaning and carpet repair professionals of Antonius Bros. save you from replacing carpet while helping your current carpet look new again. A carpet that was poorly installed or has had excessive wear and tear may be loose, coming off the tacking strips and pulling away from the side of the wall or room. Our carpet repair professionals have the tools, equipment and experience needed to eliminate the loose ripples, waves and wrinkles of a compromised carpet with proper carpet stretching.
Many area rugs such as fine Oriental rugs are very costly and are made from fragile natural fibers, dyes, and foundation materials that cannot be cleaned in the way we normally do carpet cleaning on most wall-to-wall synthetic carpets (such as nylon, olefin and polyester). Most professional carpet cleaning systems involve the use of high heat, high water pressure, extreme agitation, and intense chemical activity. Most area rugs cannot be cleaned using these tactics. A more gentle "hand washing" process must be used to safely clean area rugs.
People sometimes overlook the importance of regular cleaning maintenance when it comes to their upholstered furniture. While upholstery doesn't attract the same amount of soil as carpeting, it does need to be vacuumed regularly with the proper attachments. Besides keeping the furniture clean, upholstery cleaning will also extend the useful life of your furniture. Most people know that getting carpet cleaning service regularly will make their carpets last longer and look better but since we don't walk on our furniture, the oily abrasive soils that affect carpets are not predominant on our favorite couch or chair.