DCCS specializes in environmental cleaning services for the childcare industry. School cleaning, childcare centers, preschools, elementary schools, private schools, and other educational and healthcare sites. Our mission is to provide the right services and exceptional customer service to our clients at a competitive cost, relieving them from day-to-day concerns and potential issues. DCCS primarily services accounts in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
When it comes to infection control, a sanitized childcare environment is DCCS's mission. We use the US regulated, high-quality chemicals to disinfect and fight disease to combat any form of bacteria and microorganisms. Green cleaning products are free of harsh or health-threatening chemicals. During consultation we look at the janitor closet to see what the current company is using. Some of the problems stem from not using clean mop heads, not changing the mop water, not using the proper chemicals and products to clean the school.
These problems occur by not maintaining the floors properly. To know if these services are needed, we ask our clients what type of floor finish is being applied, if the current company properly strips the floors or just top scrubbing the tile, etc. We recommend that when the floor is properly stripped, and six coats of high-quality finish is applied, it be burnished monthly. This will maintain the shine for at least one year. We recommend using six coats of high-quality floor finish for a quality shine.
Our carpet cleaning system is one of the best in the industry. The way we are able to accomplish this is to maintain your carpets daily. Spot cleaning is done daily, while carpet shampooing is completed quarterly. This gives your carpet a daily cleaning and helps eliminates the need for an outside service saving your facility these higher costs. We urge you to ask yourself: when was the last time the carpets were cleaned? Small children are crawling on them daily, and they are constantly absorbing dirt and germs.
Daycare Cleaning Services was founded in 2001 by Robert Nestore in Marlton, New Jersey. Recognizing an unfilled need, he established the company as the first building services contractor specializing in providing quality environmental services to educational facilities. Under Nestore's management and guidance, the business has evolved from a small Building Service Contractor (BSC) in South Jersey to a regional company headquartered in Cherry Hill. Applying a strong drive, a commitment to service and the DCCS staffs' knowledge and skills, he built a reputation for meeting the unique needs of today's childcare facilities, large or small.