We are Florida's #1 Blood cleanup, biohazard cleanup and crime scene cleanup company. We are in the business of ensuring that you, your family, and your home/property gets the protection it needs from potential bio-hazards after an uforseen event. Our technicians are trained in decontamination and sterilization. With years of experience in everything from hoarder houses, unattended deaths, suicides, homicides and blood cleanup we offer a fully equipped staff that has both your environmental and emotional needs in mind.

Absolute Crime & Trauma Bio Clean is local in central Florida. We are experts in Blood Cleanup, Crime Scene Cleanup and Biohazard cleanup. We proudly service all 67 counties in the state of Florida, 24hrs a day. Absolute Bio Clean is dedicated to returning the scene to its pre-incident state. All of our employees are certified and trained in the reduction of bioload, as well in the elimination of blood borne pathogensas. Our cutting edge stain and odor elimination methods will ensure safety to you and others.