Our premium soils, composts and mulches are created from recycled organic matter and carefully enhanced by science to sustainably renew our planet. They are naturally rich with life and ready for use in farming, landscaping and gardening. Different plants require different environments to thrive, so choosing the right type of soil for your project is key. Here are a few of our top soil products to get you started. From bulk orders to city-wide organic matter recycling programs, our services are designed to support the entire ecosystem, including farmers, landscapers, homeowners, municipalities and waste haulers.
Architects and commercial landscapers have enjoyed the benefits of our passion for producing renewable organic products for years - custom soil blends, and over 200 organic-based compost, mulch and soil formulations. We help meet the spec-driven demands of today's Green Building practices, which require the use of recycled materials to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, increase energy efficiency and provide water conservation. Many of our soils, like our Organic Soil Amendments and Organic Cover Mulch, are custom blended to meet or exceed industry specifications, helping landscapers secure new projects.
With over 30 million acres of farmland and 8 million acres of harvested crops in California, Agromin plays a huge role in our state's thriving agricultural industry. The use of renewable organic materials in the growth of our food completes a complex urban-to-agriculture loop, helping growers meet their sustainability commitments and reconnecting busy, urban citizens with the land that provides for them. With over 200 organic-based composts, mulches and soil formulations to choose from, Agromin is the perfect partner to help bring your artistic vision to life in a sustainable way.
Happy Holidays from us at Agromin to you! After you celebrate the holiday, make sure to do your part and recycle your Christmas tree! 🎄#agromin #gogreen #christmastree
Learn about how compost creates healthy soils and that by regenerating the world’s soils, we can completely and rap… https://t.co/y57VnPnK44
If you are interested in volunteering on Friday, July 31st, look no further than Garden Planting Day at the Ventura… https://t.co/kKgxV3KJgW
Does your garden need a touch up or your soil need protection from the summer heat? As the summer heats up and more people go outside, it is a great time to get your garden or landscape looking the way you want it to. With our barks and mulches, your garden will not only look the way you want it to...
Celebrate Mother's Day and plant a Victory Garden with Mom and recognize International Compost Awareness week!#agromin #compost #victorygarden #soillovescompos t
This week we are celebrating International Compost Awareness Week. Compost is important for improving or maintaining high quality soil, growing healthy plants, reducing the use of fertilizer and pesticides, improving water quality and protect the environment. Organics recycling plays a key role in...
From us at Agromin, Happy Earth Day! #Earthday #Agromin https://t.co/Xzbey15dFU
In celebration of Earth Day on Wednesday, plant an herb garden. Aside from their fresh picked goodness, most homegr… https://t.co/ovDOobmWOz
USDA Seeks Proposals for On-Farm Conservation and Soil Health Test Projects. https://t.co/xmeWWxK8dT
This week is #letsgrowagarden2020 , an at-home student learning program, where kids get the opportunity to start an… https://t.co/F5AEF5ebB4