Watering your lawn is the key to preserving it's lushness and beauty. Our irrigation experts carefully design your sprinkler system to ensure maximum coverage to your lawn. Desert Foothills Landscape provides superior maintenance service to clients in the Cave Creek, Carefree, Anthem, Scottsdale, and Phoenix. We have professional, reliable, uniformed. Make the most out of your beautiful landscape year round by removing dead flowers and replacing them with bright colorful flowers that can stand up to the Summer heat and Winter's.
Watering your lawn is the key to preserving it's lushness and beauty. Our irrigation experts carefully design your sprinkler system to ensure maximum coverage to your lawn. Whether you are looking for a brand new irrigation system to maintain your lawn or the replacement of your current system the experts at Desert Foothills Landscape are one phone-call away. Our landscape division has 30 years of experience in all phases of landscaping and our 'customer focused' approach makes the landscape experience just that, an experience.
16 reviews 5.0 star rating 10/4/2017Desert Foothills Landscape is just finishing a job at our home in Anthem CC. To say we are pleased is an understatement. Let me tell you all the good things about this company. 1. We chose this company primarily because of their design center on Cave Creek Road. It looked like a successful company. Many of the ones we researched on the internet, looked good at a first glance but often if you checked out the address on google, it was a home or a very modest building. We knew they were just contractors who subbed everything which gives you less control. 2. We met with Jake (one of their designers) who is very personable. He seemed to have a good knowledge of what was needed and he listened to things that we wanted (saguaros, yuccas, minimal flowering plants, etc.). 3. We met with Jake to go over the final plans. This at first was a disappointment since we were expecting these elaborate drawings. In hindsight, we realize that a lot of money goes into drawings (takes labor) instead of in the ground. Not having worked with this company, the question begged "are we going to get what we really like without seeing a rendition on paper?" Well, it is a resounding YES and more that what we expected. We can now say to any potential customer, Desert Foothills will perform and you don't need the expensive renderings. 4. The workmen that showed up were friendly, extremely competent and very hard working. Being a California weather wimp, I do not understand how they can work in this heat. All in all, we are very pleased customers. Jake has already gotten an inquiry on this company's services from a neighbor of ours who likes our yard. If you would like to see a photo of our yard, please ask Desert Foothills to share our email after you have had an initial consultation. Thanks for a job well done. Stephanie and Lance
It's not just our sunsets which are pretty spectacular this time of year. If you are an early riser like all of our team, you get to witness some amazing sunrises too. This one is looking to the East past Pinnacle Peak. Enjoy! Feel free to share your photos below. We'd love to see them!
Looking for unique, but easy to care for plants for your pots, check out this creative example from our designer, Adrian Javalera. This photo shows a crested golden barrel paired with a Euphorbia Trigona.
“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams ; who looks inside awakens.” - Carl Jung
Thank you to our customers who took the time to complete the survey. We are aiming for 100% in each category in our next survey as there is always room for improvement. We love our customers and it seems the feeling is pretty mutual. 💙
When you think of healthy activities, you likely picture am jogs, yoga, meditation...but research also adds staring… https://t.co/Aj2vVjL6KG
Thank you! We are humbled to have been selected by the readers of PHOENIX Magazine as their 2020 pick for Best Land… https://t.co/QK8TEfC1tk
Happy Valentine’s Day https://t.co/aTqx0Kdt30
Just posted a photo https://t.co/jpfg1qa001
We excavated into the mountain to create this fire pit seating area. https://t.co/2jS3T7z1cD
This is how we do curb appeal. https://t.co/zisb2fzeUd