Over 30 years, Plantskydd has been proven by independent research to out-last and out-perform all other-repellents- up to 6 months over-winter! Plantskydd emits an odor that animals associate with predator activity, stimulating a fear-based response which results in animals looking elsewhere to dine. Research has proven odor based repellents are more effective than other repellent systems. Unlike other repellents, Plantskydd does not require re-application after rain or irrigation and provides the longest lasting over-winter protecion of any repellent available.

Plantskydd is used by farmers and orchardists to protect from animal browse damage the following crops: Soybeans, corn, grapes, fruit/nut trees, blueberries, cauliflower, cotton, pumpkins, strawberries, vegetables, watermelon and more. Unlike other repellents that quickly lose their effectiveness after irrigating or rainfall, Plantskydd is rain and snow resistant. It does not require immediate re-application after irrigation or rainfall. Plantskydd will definitely be included in our plans next year and we will likely use it on more acreage where we suspect underperforming sites.

Landscapers are constantly dealing with the health and look of their customer's gardens, lawns, shrubs and trees. Discoloration, empty patches and dead or disfigured plants and trees can all be signs of animal pest damage. Plantskydd can stop browsing deer, rabbits, voles, elk, moose, squirrels and chipmunks in their tracks, and allow plants to grow and thrive. We want to help you protect your customer's treasured gardens by adding a repellent program to your landscaping services. Even the crabapple trees we replanted were left alone, and let me tell you, elk love crabapple trees.