Janus Pest Management is an independent family-owned company. Our staff technicians are specialists in treating termite and general pest issues for a range of commercial and residential clientele. We combine customer service fundamentals and environmentally friendly pest management strategies to guarantee your satisfaction. Accordingly, Janus Pest Management continuously strives to be your company of choice for all of your pest management needs. Our service area extends throughout Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties.
Front and center - allow me totell you about our company's convincing 97% commercial retention rate. We believe this metric is obtained by aiming above the mark to hit the mark with our commitment to customer service and results. Since 2005, Janus Pest Management has developed a reputation for reliable service and commonsense solutions that yield results. Our team uses proven methods to eliminate pest infestations — including ongoing customer engagement on the causes behind pest development.
For all your pest control needs choose Janus. You won't go wrong.
All in a day's work. 1. Drain fly treatment -- big box store 2. Termite fumigation -- school 3. Ground squirrels -- helipad 4. Bee removal -- office facilities 5. Ag work -- museum
Where Do Mosquitoes Go in Winter?
So, this is apparently happening.
This is a recent carbon monoxide (CO) treatment that we completed at a local athletic field. We used a GPS unit to… https://t.co/nRyar84fy9
Another great job completed. The crew cleaned up this 4,000 sqft building in just under a day.
First, a little work then apparently some Footlight Parade.
Working out in the Canyon with the cows and critters.
Emergency rodent debris and disinfection service after contractors installing light fixtures had reported a bunch O… https://t.co/wFiT8fJ5mC
Bee removal job on an oak tree at the site of the oldest school in San Dimas. The school was relocated to its prese… https://t.co/yiKbMdWkW2
This is a gopher/ground squirrel job that we are currently working on for a local municipality to mitigate damage t… https://t.co/EUa4ZsTy2t