We use a combination of plant based, eco-friendly, organic bio-products for your lawn care needs. Our bio nutrients help create healthy lawns by harnessing the benefits of naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms found in the "soil food web". This helps re-create a natural ecosystem.
Total Lawn Care, Inc. was established in 1989 with a vision of putting the agronomics of the lawn and the needs of the customer first. TLC is committed to providing quality service and anticipates through this commitment the business will continue to grow and establish long term relationships with our customers. Our program consists of 5 organic based lawn fertility treatments and 1 Biological Soil Supplement (BSS) through the growing season. We base this number of applications on a variety of factors.
Real people who do really great work! I recommand them to care for lawns in the central Indiana area.
Having problems with crabgrass, fungus, or other summer problems? Here's a video that may have the answers to some of those questions.
Our Team is Making a difference. You can too!
The physiology of the turf plant