The Oasis signature pest control program offers lawn, tree, and shrub services designed and excecuted by state-certified professionals. Mowing, edging, trimming, leaf removal, blowing off paved surfaces, weeding, roof and gutter debris removal, light tree limb removal, and mulching. We understand the importance of installing and maintaining a healthy landscape according to your specifications. You can trust us to keep your vision at the forefront of our priorities. When there is an irrigation system on a property or potential for contamination between potable and non-potable water, a backflow assembly is required.
We have been your local pest control specialist for over 35 years. We're proud of the work we have done to stop Florida's unique pests and diseases from overtaking lawns like yours. We have designed our Oasis pest control services to preserve your landscape's integrity, nurturing your yard, trees, and shrubs to be healthy and beautiful all year long. Routine maintenance by our expert professionals ensures your lawn always looks its best. Regular maintenance by our experienced and licensed professionals ensures that you will have a healthy and beautiful landscape.
Backflow is the term used to describe when water reverses its flow from its intended direction in a pipeline or plumbing system. Usually, backflow occurs due to broken main lines or the use of hydrants. Backflow assembly systems are designed with an airlock to prevent the dangerous backflow contamination of drinking water in a residential or commercial plumbing system. If your residential or commercial property has an irrigation system or there is the possibility of contamination between potable (drinking) and non-potable (irrigation) water, a backflow assembly tested by a certified, trained technician is required.
The skilled specialists at Oasis Landscape Services provide custom landscaping that can significantly increase your residential or commercial property value. Oasis is with you every step of the way, from planning to installation. Our projects are completed on-time, within budget, and adhering to all of your plan specifications. Our passion is helping you achieve your vision of an aesthetically beautiful, functional lawn at your home or business. Contact Oasis today to learn more about our services and current project completion times.