Arrow Stone Creations, located in Christiansburg, Virginia, is the largest supplier of natural stone in the New River Valley area. We have a friendly and educated staff that can answer any of your questions and assist you in any way. Since 1993, we have provided customized plans for all of our clients' specific needs. Give us a call and let us help you design the garden, pond, or water fountain of your dreams! We have the largest selection of natural stone, and we offer competitive wholesale prices.
When it comes to wall stones and other stone products, you can always count on the professionals at Arrow Stone Creations in Christiansburg, Virginia, to deliver the right stone for your project. Our natural stone comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and textures.
Arrow Stone Creations has different types of veneer stones to choose from for your next outdoor project. Our team of natural stone experts will work with you to help turn your ideas into reality and ensure you get a proper estimate of stones needed for your project. Give us a call before you plan your next outdoor design project. If you need help with the installation, we can recommend an experienced contractor to take care of it for you. Veneer stone is available in a wide range of colors, sizes, and textures.
Did you know that most types of grass grow dormant during dry summer months? If you live in a dry area and water conservation is a must, let the grass go dormant during the summer – it will come back again in the fall and spring months.
According to studies, there are approximately 50 million acres of grass in the United States. Approximately 21 million of those acres are in our front and back yards requiring lawn equipment to maintain properly.
Mow your grass early in the day to avoid becoming overheated. Particularly if you live in an area with plenty of heat and humidity, avoid the middle of the day and make sure you stay hydrated while mowing your lawn.
Do you have a large lawn or a lawn that includes sections that go uphill? If so, mowing can be a difficult job, particularly in the summer. Consider a self-propelled lawn mower that provides a boost when you are weary or need extra traction to get up hills.
Be careful about establishing a regular lawn-mowing routine, particularly in the summer when the grass is growing quickly. You can damage your lawn if you remove more than one-third of the grass height during one mowing session.