Guaranteed Turf Care has a customer service staff that is composed of trained professionals who are experts in lawn care. You can be assured that every phone call is answered by caring people who can knowledgeably answer your questions. To ensure we exceed your expectations, a scouting report is completed with every application. If a problem is noted, our caring quality control experts take over. Additional, no charge services may include lawn inspections, additional treatments, personalized letters and follow up calls.

C ontrol nuisance pests in your lawn and in your home with Guaranteed Turf Care's Pest-B-Gone program. GTC offers you a variety of pest control programs to keep common pests from crawling inside your home, controlling mosquitoes to improve your outdoor family activities, and to reduce damage to your lawn by invading critters like moles, grub worms, and ants. Keep nuisance pests from crawling inside your home. This program includes 4 treatments applied to your soil, shrubbery bed material and shrubbery ten feet out from the edge of the foundation.

Treat yourself to this time saving weekly service. We use the finest hydraulic walk behind mowers that eliminate turn damage and rutting. Service includes weekly mowing, trimming, and blowing of hard surfaces and diagonal cutting. Give yourself a treat this summer!

I mprove your turf's density with GTC's Density Booster Program. GTC offers a variety of soil amendments and seeding services to thicken your lawn. Invite our specialists to your home for a free soil and turf analysis; GTC has the knowledge, services, equipment, and specialized technicians to give you the thicker lawn you have always wanted. Soils readily compact and lack oxygen which suffocate your grass plants. Breathe life into your grass plants root system by placing seven finger size holes per square foot into the root zone.

Maintaining your mower over the winter months will keep it running smoothly throughout the mowing season. Guaranteed Turf Care can maintain both riding and push mowers. Contact us to schedule your tune-up.

G uaranteed Turf Care fertilizers are custom blended for each season to replenish nutrients and deliver thicker, greener lawn. The granular fertilizer blends change with the season for improved weed control. Crabgrass and a wide variety of broadleaf weeds are also treated regularly throughout the growing season to keep new arrivals out. Free service calls are available between scheduled visits to keep your lawn healthy and weed free.

W ith experience comes knowledge. Not only do we offer a fine product within our lawn services, we back that up with a well trained staff to provide knowledge to maximize the potential for a great looking lawn. From how to water properly to laying down seed in bare areas, we compliment our broad range services with knowledge to provide you the tools to maintain a better lawn.

This program includes multiple applications of fertilizer and weed control. Guaranteed Turf Care's "Economy Plan" fertilizers are custom blended for each season to replenish nutrients to help maintain your lawn. This is a basic maintenance program including three applications which include two fertilizer treatments and three broadleaf weed control treatments. Our nitrogen fertilizer is specially blended to replenish depleted nutrients lost over the winter months and also promotes spring green-up.

The Awards Program includes multiple applications of fertilizer and weed control. Guaranteed Turf Care exclusive "Nature Green" fertilizers are custom blended for each season to replenish nutrients and deliver thicker, greener lawn. Our exclusive Nature Green fertilizer is specially blended to replenish depleted nutrients for spring green-up. Weed control and crabgrass control are applied if the season timing is appropriate. Our Nature Green fertilizer during the hotter season is blended with a slower release to efficiently restore nutrients and encourage new root growth.

What's new?

#seasonstarted We have started our Spring Fertilizer and Spring Clean-ups!!

Posted on Apr 18, 2014  •  Twitter

#Twitterversary 2 years!!!!

Posted on Mar 20, 2014  •  Twitter

#finally Looking at the 10 day weather forecast for MPLS....warmer weather....finally

Posted on Feb 12, 2014  •  Twitter

gtc start up Monday March 26 - Mowers

Posted on Mar 21, 2012  •  Twitter

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