Since 2003, Round the Clock Pest Control has served the residential, commercial and industrial communities of the Southern California areas. We're a family-owned and locally operated company with a staff of highly skilled and experienced servicemen dedicated to providing effective pest control solutions. Round The Clock Pest Control is your true source for dependable pest control service's. Round the Clock Pest Control delivers prompt and professional service to business and home owners while adhering to all EPA Laws and Safety Regulations.
Round The Clock Pest Control knows that bees and wasps are not only a nuisance but can be a danger around your home or office. There are several types of bees and wasps that we deal with in the Southern California area and many of them are aggressive in nature and often sting as a way to protect their colonies, which is why it is important to use a professional pest management company when dealing with these types of flying insects. Round The Clock Pest Control will use the latest in technology and treatment options to rid your property of the initial infestation, and can provide an ongoing service to help protect you from future infestations of bees or wasps.
The hospitality industry is one of the biggest sectors we cater to because of the transient nature of bed bugs. With guest coming from all parts of the world, the possibilities for bed bug infestation become greater and have been found in even the best five star hotels. Bed bugs are nondiscriminatory, and have been found everywhere from luxury resorts to extended stay motels. This has resulted in numerous litigation procedures for the hospitality industry. We are here to make sure you establishment maintains its sense of excellence in service that your customers come to expect.
Round The Clock Pest Control can take care of all your wildlife invasions. We will safely trap all types of wildlife including Possums, Raccoons, Skunks and Squirrels. Round The Clock Pest Control uses only the highest quality traps to ensure that wildlife is safely caught without harming the animals.*
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a process involving common sense and sound solutions for treating and controlling pests. These solutions incorporate three basic steps: 1) inspection, 2) identification and 3) treatment. Treatment options vary from sealing cracks and removing food and water sources to pesticide treatments when necessary. Most importantly, IPM requires a partnership between you and Round The Clock Pest Control's Technicians. In working together, you can have the peace of mind that your family and home will be protected against pest-related health and property threats.
Bed Bug Detection | Bed Bug Remediation | NESDCA Certified Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs | Licensed by the State of California Structural Pest Control Board. Are you concerned that you may have bed bugs in your home or at your place of business? Contrary to popular perception, sanitation is not a factor is whether your residence is susceptible to a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs can be transferred in clothing, boxes, furniture and luggage, and typically establish themselves in carpet or somewhere in or on your bed.
The program combines premium EPA approved pesticides, cutting edge equipment technology and a certified bedbug detecting dog to attack bedbugs and prevent future bedbug infestations. When it comes to protecting your home, Round the Clock Pest Control takes that responsibility seriously. Our Home Solution offers two separate plans: External Control & Internal Control. Please Call us to find out more about how we can protect your home and you. Pest elimination is required for food service facilities, but maintaining a sanitary environment can be challenging.
Round The Clock Pest Controls bird removal and management services are the ideal solution for removing and preventing wild birds in and around commercial facilities. Wild birds can detract from the professional company image you are trying to convey, cause costly repairs and pose a serious health risk to your employees and customers. Our bird removal services are customizable and include physical deterrents such as bird nets, bird wire, bird jolt systems, bird spikes and bird spiders to repel birds like pigeons, sparrows and starlings from your business.
Bed bugs do not cling to people but they can accidentally get caught up in our belongings. Because bed bugs readily hide in small crevices, they may accompany (as stowaways) in luggage, furniture, clothing, pillows, boxes, and other such objects. From there they can be introduced into a home, hotel, office, hospital, or any other buildings as well as modes of transportation. Sanitation is not a factor in whether you get bed bugs or not. There is no way to prevent bed bugs entirely; however, experts agree that early detection is the best way to prevent them from establishing themselves.
Our Bed Bug Detection Canine program comes from over 15 years of research and development and has been clinically tested and proven to be 98% accurate by the University Of Florida. For the past few years, Round the Clock has been anticipating the potentially high risk of bed bug outbreaks, and thanks to our skilled Bed Bug Detection Canine Teams we are able to identify and confirm infestations, and provide preventative measures. Our aggressive and effective bed bug treatments eradicate them from the source.
An elite group dedicated to customer service and customer satisfaction. They base their business on customer referral. And Truely live by their name by working around the clock to get the job done. My congratulations on their expansion.
The rats are getting restless and hungry.
Another K-9 workshop in the books! Congratulations to all of our K-9 teams on a job well done, passing your bed bug & Rodent #nesdca certification this year.#roundtheclockpe stcontrol #nesdcacertified #socaldogs #norcaldogs #sandiego #losangeles #sanfrancisco #pestlife #pestcontrolserv ice #.
New to the team and already making a splash good Job Josue!
Glad to see the lake filling up again, off the 152 Pacheco Pass Hwy! #whatdrought #calilife #california #sanfranciscotol osangeles #pestcontrol #pestmanagement #pestmanagementp rofessionals #sanfrancisco #losangeles #beagle #beaglesofinstag ram #toby #tobythebedbugdo g #pachecopass #onlyincali #k9#.
BUYER BEWARE! This affects Management Companies, Hotels, Pest Control Companies, and anyone using Bed Bug Sniffing dogs in there facilities in California. All of the K-9 teams we deploy are NESDCA certified (National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association) and are branch II licensed.