From hardscaping to lawn installation and everything in between, we offer virtually every service required to beautify and enhance the appearance of your property. Our key designers/supervisors hold degrees in ornamental horticulture, landscape contracting, and landscape architecture, and we employ a talented crew offering you well over 50 years of combined experience in the design and construction of every type of landscaping project. Our goal is to provide superior landscaping services for commercial and residential applications that offer real value.
When choosing a landscaping company, experience, education, and creativity are three areas that should weigh heavily in your consideration. Clarke's, a locally owned and operated company, has fully certified landscape technicians that have been creating beautifully landscaped exteriors for residential and commercial properties since 1978.
A paver is just a paver until we integrate it into a walkway design. It then becomes part of an unmistakable pattern of beauty defining and highlighting your home or business. We have performed hundreds of hardscaping projects in the Delaware Valley and will put together a design that's just right for your specific needs.
In addition to our traditional landscaping and property maintenance services, we can offer you enhanced services that may save you money, depending upon your specific job requirements. We have at our disposal the equipment and the skilled operators to properly perform light excavation projects. From expanding a crawl space into a cellar or basement to prepping ground for a patio installation, we can get the job done for you.