At Abolish Pest Control, we provide commercial pest control of pigeons or other rodents on or in billboards, HVAC units, industrial areas, and other commercial or industrial related pest problems. Commercial eradication of pests is a four step process, the steps are outlined below. If you require further information we have made the contact us section available for you. Please check to see if you are in our service area. The first thing we do is find and identify the pests invading your place of work, we search from top to bottom leaving no area untouched.
While very similar to the commercial Abolish Pest Control system for the eradication of pests, the residential system takes into account the fact that many homes need added care because of children and pets. You can be sure we will take every precaution possible to ensure the safety and well being of everyone living in your home. As with the commercial system, the process consists of four steps, outlined below. If you require further information we have made the contact us section available for you.
Bees:The most common stinging bee in California is the honey bee. It was introduced into this country from Europe in the 17th century. Its stinger, which resembles a hypodermic needle with barbs, is used to inject a mixture of alkali venom and acid into the skin. The alkali venom contains several kinds of proteins and enzymes which are believed to cause allergic reactions of varying degrees in humans. We provide bee control services such as bee extermination and bee hive removal. Leaving the Honey comb will result in future and immediate problems.
Check out this Gopher Snake caught on an emergency call Sunday in Palmdale. Call us for snake removal 877-422-6547
Bees In A Chimney: via @YouTube
Swallow season will be here in a few weeks. Get your swallow prevention before the swallows arrive
When it rains we seek shelter & so do animals & rodents. If you hear or see rats give us a call 877-422-6547 Keep the rats out of your home
Hearing noises in your house? Scratching in your walls? Do not worry its not a ghost. Its probably just a rat. Give us a call 877-422-6547.
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 protects swallows. We can protect your home from swallows before they arrive.
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Abolish Pest Control network has added another website. check it out!
I uploaded a @YouTube video Abolish Pest Control on KTLA5
Checkout our recent attic decontamination. It was pretty bad. Have your home rodent & bird proofed! 877-422-6547