Plumbers Local 12 proudly represents the hardest working, highly skilled men and women in the plumbing industry. Our premier training programs offer a five-year apprenticeship program and extensive journeymen training. We help our signatory contractors grow by identifying new opportunities, and by providing the most skilled and highly trained workforce in the industry. Plumbers Local 12 prides itself on helping plumbers and apprentices get the most out of their careers by helping them achieve a real retirement with a pension and providing them and their families with some of the best health insurance on the market.

The officers, staff, and members of Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 12 would like to welcome and thank you for visiting our website. Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 12 Boston was chartered on February 7, 1890 by the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing, Pipefitting, and Sprinkler Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Plumbers and Gasfitters Local 12 has been aggressive with defending the integrity of the plumbing industry. We have also made it our goal to insure that hard working plumbers have job protection and top wages on public projects in the Commonwealth.

What's new?

It’s time people get their priorities right.

Posted on Mar 05, 2021  •  Facebook

This is in Canada but the same applies here in the United States as well as anywhere around the world. A lot of the Baby Boomers have already retired and some are soon to retire. My generation has 15-20 years left before retirement. The skilled trades are going to always need qualified trained...

Posted on Jan 23, 2021  •  Facebook

Great News for the American working class. Usually it is a rich politician who knows nothing about the struggle of American workers. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh is the exception to that rule.https:// video/?c4935820/ user-clip-marty- walsh-labor-sec retary-speech&f bclid=IwAR0crlh ...

Posted on Jan 10, 2021  •  Facebook

I know that 2020 has been a tough year for many. If you’re able to help out anything will be appreciated for those in need. Christmas is a time for giving and helping others.

Posted on Dec 07, 2020  •  Facebook

This is a classic Far Side comic.

Posted on Jun 06, 2020  •  Facebook

A great honor to be attending the open inning of the Senator Kennedy Institute at @UMassBoston A real legacy for a great man!

Posted on Mar 30, 2015  •  Twitter

Prayers go out to @bostonpolice officer shot tonight, we enjoy a great city because of their hard work!

Posted on Mar 28, 2015  •  Twitter

#WorldWaterDay Northeast/7ft of snow with slow snow melt, Nortwest/not near7 feet, our aquifers should be good but the west coast, #drought

Posted on Mar 22, 2015  •  Twitter

@Local12Boston @UAPipeTrades is proud to be on the forefront of water conservation with a state of the art rainwater reuse program #training

Posted on Mar 22, 2015  •  Twitter

On #WorldWaterDay let's take a minute and be thankful here for access to plenty of clean drinking water. Once it's gone it's gone #drought

Posted on Mar 22, 2015  •  Twitter

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