Our system provides more benefits than conventional roofing and are available with full manufacturer supported renewable warranties. Go Green Roofing & Insulation is family owned and locally operated roofing company with over 50 years of combined experience. We at Go Green Roofing & Insulation specialize in commercial and residential flat roofing. Our roofing process is highly insulated, seamless, energy efficient, lightweight, sustainable, reduces ponding water and has long-term renewable warranties.

Our system provides more benefits than conventional roofing and are available with full manufacturer supported renewable warranties. The Go Green Roof System has a rigid and durable surface that you can walk on. A thick (typically 1 thick) closed-cell polyurethane waterproofing barrier seals the roof against leaks. Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is the only roofing material that has no seams. Foam roofing bonds around roof penetrations such as pipes, vents and edges forming an impenetrable wedge, leaving these penetrations "high and dry."