In order to earn the title of a reliable roofer in Colorado Springs residents must be able to count on you to get the job done on time, on budget, and with excellent skill and commitment. It also means treating people as valued community members, not just paying customers. At Highlands Roofing, we understand that every home or business our experienced team of roofers works on, is that of a friend, neighbor, or member of our community. These are reasons we have enjoyed a wealth of positive referrals and a reputation for affordable roofing solutions Colorado Springs residents can trust.

Robert Colodny is the owner/operator of Highlands Roofing and has lived in the Colorado Springs for over 30 years. We are a local roofing company offering a personal touch experience. Every re-roofing job is overseen by Robert himself and the staff in the office is always ready to answer your calls and questions. Being in the construction industry for over 30 years in the region has given the staff at Highlands Roofing an unprecedented understanding of how the harsh seasons and high altitude can effect your roof.

Just like any other big investment, your home needs regular maintenance and replacement parts to keep it working properly over the years. And your roof is the most important system set in place to protect your home from the elements. But even with proper care and maintenance, many Southern Colorado homeowners will have to replace their roof this year due to extensive storm and hail damage. Living in Colorado is rewarding in many ways because we get to enjoy all 4-seasons, we sometimes have to battle against extreme weather as well.

As your choice residential and commercial roofing contractors in Southern Colorado, we know better than most the unique set of circumstances that the average roof must stand up against. Your roof has to battle against hail and windstorms, heavy snowfall, over 300 days of sunshine each year and much more. Even roofs that were installed by experienced contractors need to be properly maintained to prevent leaks and other damages over the years. With more than 10 years of experience serving the greater Pikes Peak region, we have the experience and skills necessary to complete roof repair jobs of all sizes.

As your trusted local roofing contractor in the Pikes Peak region, we're dedicated to providing the highest quality of service at prices that won't break the bank. It can often be difficult to determine whether your roof needs maintenance from a simple glance, without a professional opinion, you may want to wait before calling your insurance provider. It's important that if you do suspect roofing damage after a heavy storm or your warranty is about to expire, you reach out to an experienced roofing contractor to complete an inspection.

Did you know that your roof is probably the most important system protecting your home from the elements? Our Southern Colorado roofing contractors are experienced in everything from regular roofing maintenance to roofing repairs, hail damage, roofing restoration and more. Utilizing the highest quality materials and advanced repair techniques, we're proud to be your choice roofing contractors in the greater Colorado Springs area. To most people, a roof is nothing more than a roof. But there is much more to a residential roof than meets the eye.

With more than 10 years of experience in the greater Southern Colorado area, we have seen our fair share of roofing hail damage. Whether you've been living in Colorado Springs for decades or you're a recent transplant, there's a good chance you've had to deal with hail damage. When storm season strikes along the Front Range, it can feel like your home is battling against thousands of golf balls raining down from the sky. Do not hesitate too long to look into repairs, or you could be risking additional damage to your roof.

While many residents across Southern Colorado are familiar with our residential roofing contracting services, we offer commercial roofing services as well. We pride ourselves on using the highest quality materials and advanced techniques to ensure our commercial clients receive the best possible roofing solutions. With many years of combined experience and a dedication to superior craftsmanship, Highlands Roofing is proud to be your choice commercial roofing contractor in the great Colorado Springs area.

My new roof that was installed in March is leaking because the flashing was rolled on top of the siding. This area should have been step flashed. Flashing should never be installed on top of the siding, this allows for water intrusion as water simply slips behind the flashing. I don't believe as a homeowner I should have to re caulk this seam every few months. I even offered to pull and replace the siding and roofer told me this is my maintenance issue. The IRC code book states under the new roof section R905.2.8.3 that the area must be step flashed and also I pull up R907.6 under the re-roof section, this references the manufacture installation instructions. I have never seen installation instructions that allow flashing to be rolled on top of siding and simply caulked. Caulking expands and contracts with the hot and cold swings and will break open every few months and start to leak again. Code is LAW. When a permit is pulled it is the requirement of the roofer to bring the roof up to code. The roofer was lazy and did not want to replace the siding. I have consulted both building inspectors, private inspectors and several roofing companies that I have done business with and this is not an acceptable practice. DO NOT USE THIS ROOFER!

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These GAF triple layer, designer shingles are meant to have a cedar shake look without the fire danger. #gafglenwood #localcoloradosp ringsroofer #localroofer #localmonumentro ofer#reroofingcolora dosprings #reroofingmonume nt #freeinspections

Posted on Sep 27, 2019  •  Facebook

Often times when removing a shake roof you'll find spaced decking under. Regional building requires this to be "decked". This Colorado cabin had massive spaces between the planks, by bringing it up to code the owners will enjoy the benefits of reduced great loss in the winter.

Posted on Sep 20, 2019  •  Facebook

This is hail damage from the storm that hit the Monument area July 31, 2019. As a home owner you may not know that you have hail damage. Give us a call for a free home inspection. 719-487-0565 . . . . . . . . ....

Posted on Aug 22, 2019  •  Facebook

Clients often ask "why is hail damage such a big deal?" Answer: After a shingle looses it's granules at the impact site, the fiberglass becomes exposed and the shingle will dry out and deteriorat. . . . . . . . . ....

Posted on Aug 01, 2019  •  Facebook

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