Dallastown Roofing & Contracting is a family-owned business established in 1972. Since we've opened, our company has continued to provide reliable and up-to-date contracting services for both commercial and residential projects. Our services are designed to meet your home and office contracting needs - whether that is a roof installation, or a post-storm damage repair. Based in York, Pennsylvania - We extend our services throughout York County and Adams County, Pennsylvania. Your roof protects your home siding from possible damage -- Providing an overhang that shelters the siding from heat.
Have an expanding family, need an extra room for a special purpose, or want to increase your property value? A home addition is likely a great solution for you. If so, turn to Dallastown Roofing & Contracting for home addition service in York, PA. The purpose of a home addition varies with each household, but we are experienced in capturing any vision and meeting every requirement. No matter what home addition project we undertake, we are always here for our customers. During your project, we treat your property as if it were our own, making sure it is neat and clean.
At Dallastown Roofing and Contracting, our team is here to supply your home with all the needed equipment for your gutter's complete installation or repair. The outside of your house is the first thing everyone notices when they come visit. That is why it is important to maintain your home siding and keep the material up to date. If you are looking enhance your home's outside presence, Dallastown Roofing and Contracting can make your home stand out. Our team can replace your current material with a new and efficient option.
Your roof protects your home siding from possible damage -- Providing an overhang that shelters the siding from heat. Your roof is your home's main source of protection against tree branches and other debris that fall on your house during a storm. Call us today at 717-246-3198 for a roof inspection. Storms often result in property damage, including blown-off siding and roofing shingles, fallen trees, damaged fencing, hail marks, broken windows, wind damage and more. On the Brightside, home insurance often pays for complete restoration and damage repair after a storm.
Windows are a great design option if you are looking for ways improve the outside appearance of your home. Gliding windows are easy to use and can slide to open from both sides. Dallastown Roofing and Contracting installs and replaces windows. We offer many different types of windows for you to choose from, including gliding and sliding windows. Gliding windows are a great choice if you are looking to optimize the space in your home while improving the energy efficiency. Gliding windows are easy to use and require low maintenance of features.